Wednesday, February 01, 2006

How Health Care makes you Sick

My friend Kevin came to get adjusted today (his wife is our Office Manager). Kevin is a mechanic, and is thinking about opening his own shop. That got us talking about the challenges of owning your own business, specifically health insurance.

“We’re basically socialized medicine right now”, he said. “The only difference is that the Insurance Companies are in control. The only thing worse would be if the government actually got a hold of it. What ever happened to the doctor and the patient being in charge of their own health care?” (Good question)

A medical doctor friend of his does some mission work (somewhere in Russia, I believe) where they have socialized medicine. “Everything is free”, Kevin said. “But Dr. Tom told me that everyone he examined over there was in such bad shape, that he’d have sent them straight to the ER if he were in the US. People have to wait until they’re at death’s door before they can get medical care—if they’re that lucky!”

What if our health care was like that here in America? Scary thought. But it could happen. And a lot sooner than you think. And most of us (unfortunately) would welcome it with open arms:

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows health care at the top of Americans' priority list, with 76% calling increased access and lower costs "an absolute priority" for 2006.

What most people (at least 76% of them) don’t seem to realize, is that “increased access and lower costs” don’t always guarantee better health. In fact, they virtually guarantee failure.

You don’t have to look very far to find other socialized medicine failures (e.g. Canada). Nothing works better than free-market, fee-for-service, doctor-and-patient-in-charge-of-their-own-decsions health care.
But, the politicians are more than eager to push us down the “government knows best” rabbit hole (witness the recent Medicare Drug Plan debacle). Maybe if we’d sic the government on the Insurance industry, that would keep them both busy enough to stay out of the doctor/patient relationship and we’d all be better off!

The only real way out of this mess is to take responsibility for the choices we make every day that affect our health. Little things add up over time (just ask the camel). Health or sickness, success or failure, all come from lots of little choices, repeated over and over. The quality of your choices determines the quality of your life.

Let’s all say it together: Eat more fruits, vegetables and lean protein; be active and exercise; get plenty of rest; drink more water; take a good fish oil supplement and a vitamin every day; relax and de-stress your nervous system with chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, mediation, hypnosis, etc.

I know you’ve heard it before. But what are you doing about it?

Stress causes about 80% of all sickness; Omega-3, micronutrient and anti-oxidant deficiencies cause about 80% of our stress. Just because your insurance won't pay for these things doesn't mean you can't have them. Don't let someone else decide how healthy you're going to be. Making a few small changes in your lifestyle will make big changes in your life. And your family. And your community. And your country. And your planet.

Start small and make a big difference.

Dr. Vince

P.S. A good way to de-stress your body chemistry, and recharge your health from the Inside is to start supplementing with Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil and AVED Multi-Vitamin/Mineral. Check them out at