Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Ruth and I are going to Las Vegas in the morning for a long weekend. No internet. No work. No phone. OK, we’ll have our cell phones and we’ll check in with Grace each day, but we’ll be 'in communicato' for sure (my phone just rang…see what I mean?)

We’re going to see one of my favorite singing groups, the Four Freshmen. I discovered them back in 1981, when my mom let us listen to one of her albums (they were popular way back when). My brother and I nearly wore the record out that summer. What makes them unique is that they all play instruments as well as sing, so they are ‘self-accompanied’—but it sounds like there are eight or ten of them at times. And the trombone is featured prominently, so you gotta love that.

Anyway, back in October I put “Frosh in Vegas 2/16-19” on my Want List. I wasn’t sure how we were going to do it, but I put my subconscious mind to work. There were lots of hiccups along the way (including a vacation blackout at Ruth’s work), but long story short, we’re leaving in the morning—first class.

If you have a clear goal, write it down, and get to work, your mind can help you accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Your mind is the key to your success, the key to getting whatever you want: more money, more stuff, or even non-material things like time to relax, better relationships—whatever you want. But it all starts with what Stephen Covey calls the “first creation”—in your mind.

And it works ten times better if you have the attitude of gratitude. You can check it out in my new course coming out shortly called “The Hidden Power of Gratitude”. These exercises work almost like magic to change your energetic vibration to a more receptive state, making you more attractive and creative—and enthusiastic. If you’re tire of the same ol’ same ol’, then snag a copy a see for yourself.

My goal is to pay for my trip with my, we'll see how far off target that is when I get back!

Live Enthused,

Dr. Vince

P.S. This trip was also supposed to be a celebration in honor of my website’s official grand opening. But evidently I’ve got a few more things to learn before I’m ready. That’s the beauty of having a target: you may not be getting there when you thought you would, but if you keep moving you’ll get there right on time. I used to say, “Engineers don’t make mistakes, they just change their plans.” But I learned a new one last night on the Olympic figure skating:

“Skaters don’t make mistakes, they just ‘change their program’.”

P.S.S. As soon as “The Hidden Power of Gratitude” is ready, you can check it out here: