Traditional schooling can sometimes be, oh, how shall we say it:
In the traditional classroom setting, two things that can bore us to tears are memorizing stuff and sitting still all day.
This is true for kids and adults (Remember the last continuing ed seminar you went to?)
But life is better when you turn it Inside-Out. So if you think about them differently, they don’t have to be boring, and can actually be beneficial.
In the last letter, we saw that memorizing can actually develop your concentration.
Well, guess what? So can sitting still. Here’s another exercise from Theron Dumont, called the ‘Second-Hand’ exercise:
“Sit in a chair and place a clock or watch with a second hand on the table (or look at the clock on the wall). Follow the second hand with your eyes as it goes around. Keep this up for five minutes, thinking of nothing else but the second hand.
“The key to success is keeping every other thought in the stream of consciousness subordinate to the second hand. Since there is nothing particularly interesting about the second hand, it’s hard to do this.
“The extra effort of Will Power required makes this exercise so valuable. Always try to keep as still as possible during these exercises. In this way you can gain control over your nerves and this quieting effect is very good for them."
I’m not saying you should be a “clock watcher” at school or work, but this simple exercise can be great when you have a few minutes to spare. You build your concentration muscles when you practice shutting out all thoughts-- except what you’re working on. Like trying to memorize the Preamble, or following the second-hand around the clock.
When you try to be still for a minute, all kind of thoughts start streaming in, distracting you from your focus. It’s hard at first, but keep with it. When you’re able to sit still and think of nothing but the second-hand for more than two minutes, you’re really starting to strengthen your Brain-Body connection.
And that’s the key to creating health, wealth and the life you want.
Life is moving, moving, moving. Exercises like these give us a chance to ‘be still’, and connect to our Center, to our deeper Self.
And that’s worth every minute.
Dr. Vince
PS Another great tool for helping you and your kids concentrate is the QLink Personal Energy Pendant. It repels the "static" of everyday life, improves your focus, and reduces your stress. Not to mention all the other health benefits. It's worth a look. Get yours at
PPS If you missed the last letter about why it’s good to memorize stuff, you can read it here
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