Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's Not Quite that Simple

Yesterday we were at the florist picking
up some 'good cheer' for Grace's friend who fell
off the horse.

She told me about a sneak preview for a show
she saw, where some kid named Nick gave his
philosophy on health:

'I'm not all that worried about my health.
I know how my body works. I eat. I poop.

Ah, youth. If it were only that simple.

It used to be. Back in the Stone Age, that's
probably all they knew about 'health'. They
didn't need 'meal replacement bars', or
aerobics classes or try to work in a work out.

Because their lifestyle was functional. They
got sunshine, fresh air, movement, challenge
and good food as part of their everyday life.

We, on the other hand, have disconnected
from our food, our environment, ourselves.

In fact, Oprah had a show on the other day
about poop, and what it can tell you about
your health.

Nothing like gettting back to basics.

The one thing we know for sure is that our
food is not as nutritious as the caveman's--
even the 'good' food. For our health to be
as simple as eating and pooping,
we've got to make better choices in the
eating department (which are often the
opposite of what most people consider healthy).

The Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and CD
help sort things out for you, and give you
a simpler that's in tune and
in harmony with your body. The body that's
been passed down to you through the ages.

And there's plenty of fiber for you-know-what.

It'll help you start thinking simpler and
younger again. And it'll keep your kids from
getting old too fast as well.

A little youthful exuberance never hurt anyone.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS on this month's Wheel of Life CD, we talk
about some ways to get more energy with a few
simple techniques...and how to summon it
instantly. Don't be afraid to reconnect with