Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Why Dad Wears a Helmet Now

Falling off a horse is one thing. But being on a horse while
it's falling is something totally different.

That's what happened to our neighbor last week, who's
one of Grace's best friends. Grace heard she fell off a
horse, bumped her head, had to go to the hospital, but
is OK and at home.

Falling from that high is scary, and I knew she wore a helmet,
so I figured she bumped her head and got a little shaken up,
went to get checked out, no big deal.

The dad called this morning to come over and get adjusted.
Turns out the horse fell with her on it. "It was just like
cracking a whip."

A thousand pound whip.

She actually cracked her skull, and was in the hospital
unconscious for a few days.

"Here, look at her helmet..." On the right side, the styrofoam
was normal, about an inch thick. On the left side, the
styrofoam was only 1/8 inch thick. That's where her head
compressed it when she fell.

That's a lot of force on a twelve-year old head. Or any
age head for that matter.

Good news is, they normally do three CAT-scans before
they let you leave, but hers were so good they only
needed to do two. We're all thankful and relieved.

"She was a very lucky girl," dad says. He also says he'll
never let the girls ride bikes without their helmets anymore.
"I'm even thinking about getting one for myself."

I know I talk a lot about protecting your brain from the
Inside...but let's remember to keep protecting it from
the Outside, too.

Buckle up, wear your helmet, wear your safety glasses,
send some healing thoughts and prayers our way...

and keep Living like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS I also know first-hand the importance of keeping your
airbag working. If the warning light comes on, don't
hesitate...check it out. Same goes for your health.
Ignoring your body only makes it start talking louder.
And when it has to yell, it's not pretty. I've got tools
to help at