Thursday, April 06, 2006

Why I missed supper last night

It's that time of year again. I'm missing supper with my family. Missing Lions Club. I'm gone every Tuesday night for sevenweeks. But I love it. For the past seven years I've been helping coach other business owners in the Small Business Success Academy at our local Chamber. Grace is actually taking the class this year. And she, like all the other students say it's some of the best training they've ever had (she may be a little biased.)

Everyone's favorite part is the first slide. A beautiful, partly cloudy sky and ten words. I show it every night to help them remember it. By the fourth or fifth week, they know it's coming and quote it with me. I tell them that it's actually the most important thing they'll learn in the class. But not just because they're business owners. It's probably the most important thing you can learn as a human being:

Anything is Possible. The only Limits are those I acknowledge.

I've shown this slide seven times each year for seven years. And finally, after all that time, I realized my own limitation: I'm not helping as many people as I can. Not just in the Small Business Class, but in my chiropractic practice as well. I try to be more of a 'health and wellness coach', helping my practice members get the most out of their lives. But in the flesh, I can only help one person at a time.

So, I used my creative imagination (which is the other slide I show each night) and decided to expand my possibilities. To help more and more people, I'm going to share what I've learned through 'e-coaching'. I'll be sending regular email "tips, thots and news" on nutrition, fitness, stress, success, wellness, etc. All designed to help you create the well-rounded, well-developed and satisfying life you're dreaming of.

If you'd rather not to hear from me, just reply and say so. I promise to only share my most useful and valuable training information with you. I also promise that I will never share, sell or distribute your email address to anyone else (I hate spam too).

My mission in life is to "Live Enthused", and I would love to help you, be truly healthy and successful, from the Inside-Out.

Watch for my first email soon. Feel free to send me your questions, comments and suggestions. And please forward this to anyone else who is interested in better Health, better Energy-and a Better Life.

Talk to you soon...Dr. Vince