Thursday, May 10, 2007

Why Bumpy is Better

Fred and Barney were catching up over a
saspirilla at the Sabertooth Lounge.

Fred loved his day; Barney hated his.

Fred had the time of his life; Barney couldn't
wait for it to be over.

Fred was beaming, energized, excited.
Barney wet himself.

"What were you doing that was so terrible,"
Fred asked.

"I was riding a roller coaster," Barney said.
"It scared me to death."

Fred looked at him funny and said, "Really?
That's what I did, too...and I've
never felt more alive"

I can almost picture them sitting together on
the front car of the roller coaster, Fred with
his hands in the air, shaking from the excitement.

With Barney sitting next to him, gripping the
rail with all his might, eyes welded shut, praying
for it all to end quickly.

Same situation, different reaction. Polar opposites
sitting in the same seat.


"As a man ......-eth in his heart, so is he"

It's not what's happening, it's what you think about
what's happening that decides how you feel about it.

Modern life is a roller coaster...up and down,
fast and slow, bumpy, unpredictable (but it gets
easier the more you do it), anticipation, dread...

You can live it in fear, or exhilaration,
your choice.

Actually, fear and exhilaration are almost
identical's what you do with them
(think about them) that decides how they express

We talk about how to use that energy productively
on this month's Wheel of Life CD
My friend Matthew White gives some tools, exercises
and insights to staying calm--instantly.

Not chilled out, retreat, disconnect from the
World, but plugged in, connected calmness that
lets you ride the rollercoaster and love it.

With your hands in the air.

Next time you feel the fear, ask yourself if it's
really exhilaration in disguise, and use it as
a gift.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I bet pre-historic life was like a roller coaster, some food, be chased for something else's food,
climate control meant you were controlled by the climate.
Guess what. Life is a roller coaster. It's supposed to
have ups and downs. The only thing that's flat is the
flat-line, which signifies there is no more life in you.

Don't put yourself there too soon, physically, mentally
or spiritually -