How He Lost 21 pounds in 40 Days
My friend Jim lost 21 pounds over the past 40 days. He devised a simple and effective “fast” for Lent. He said I could share his program with you, and he even made up an easy way to remember it: F.A.C.T.S.
“F” stands for Fat, so he avoided fatty foods and extra fat. He also eliminated the rest of these for six weeks:
A = Alcohol
C = Chips, Cheese and Crackers
T = Treats
S = Second-Helpings
21 pounds in 40 days is impressive. Jim said he just got back into a suit that he hasn’t been able to wear for two years. You might want to try Jim’s FACTS plan. At least for a week. Or make up one of your own. You’ll be surprised at the changes you notice—and a little looser waistline will bump your enthusiasm for sure!

PS Changing your eating habits can be hard. Knowing what and how to change can be even harder. I’m putting together a course on Turning your Diet Inside-Out that’ll make it much easier for you. Look for details soon.
“F” stands for Fat, so he avoided fatty foods and extra fat. He also eliminated the rest of these for six weeks:
A = Alcohol
C = Chips, Cheese and Crackers
T = Treats
S = Second-Helpings
21 pounds in 40 days is impressive. Jim said he just got back into a suit that he hasn’t been able to wear for two years. You might want to try Jim’s FACTS plan. At least for a week. Or make up one of your own. You’ll be surprised at the changes you notice—and a little looser waistline will bump your enthusiasm for sure!

PS Changing your eating habits can be hard. Knowing what and how to change can be even harder. I’m putting together a course on Turning your Diet Inside-Out that’ll make it much easier for you. Look for details soon.
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