Tuesday, April 18, 2006

How He Lost 21 pounds in 40 Days

My friend Jim lost 21 pounds over the past 40 days. He devised a simple and effective “fast” for Lent. He said I could share his program with you, and he even made up an easy way to remember it: F.A.C.T.S.

“F” stands for Fat, so he avoided fatty foods and extra fat. He also eliminated the rest of these for six weeks:

A = Alcohol
C = Chips, Cheese and Crackers
T = Treats
S = Second-Helpings

21 pounds in 40 days is impressive. Jim said he just got back into a suit that he hasn’t been able to wear for two years. You might want to try Jim’s FACTS plan. At least for a week. Or make up one of your own. You’ll be surprised at the changes you notice—and a little looser waistline will bump your enthusiasm for sure!

PS Changing your eating habits can be hard. Knowing what and how to change can be even harder. I’m putting together a course on Turning your Diet Inside-Out that’ll make it much easier for you. Look for details soon.