How to Make God Laugh
The past three weeks haven't gone like I'd planned. Having our van Goldie totalled is not exactly how I wanted to start the month.
I had several things on the calendar: a trip to Vegas for my 19th wedding anniversary. A "birthday" party for Family Chiropractors turning 10 years old. Launch my new web page for the Q-Link Personal Energy System. Begin an expanded workout routine (I'd have some extra time each morning since school was out for the summer and I could leave home a little later). Write two or three e-mails each week. Go toTennessee to see my Dad for Father's Day and do some strategic planning, write some articles, etc. out by the lake.
Last year when I went to Tennessee, I saw the movie "Collateral". It starred Jamie Fox as Max the taxi driver and Tom Cruise as Vincent, the Hit Man. There's a great quote in it, right after Max figures out what Vincent is really up to. Max is more than a little upset with the idea of driving this guy around while he kills people, so Vincent tries to calm him down a little:
"We're into Plan B. Still breathing? Now we gotta make the best of it. Improvise. Adapt to the environment. Darwin. 'Shtuff' happens, I Ching--whatever man, we gotta roll with it."
The accident we had on June 1st definitely put me into my own Plan B. (Ironically, it was on the way home from carpool, a few hours after I'd finished making my grandiose plan for June.)
Some folks say the easiest way to make God laugh is to show him your plan.
I've given myself Vincent's Little Pep Talk more than a few times lately. And even though I haven't been 100% (and have been sleeping when I should have been working), I still got most everything finished that I wanted to.
And I realize that in every mis-hap there is the seed of equal or greater benefit, if you're open to finding it.
I'm not recommending Car Crash as a tool for success. But I am recommending that you have an eraser handy when you make your plans, buckle up on the way home...
...and don't forget to breathe.
Dr. Vince
P.S. One goal that I'm very happy about finishing is my Q-Link page. The Q-Link is a personal energy pendant that gives you focus, clarity and helps you concentrate like a Chess Champ. It's helping with my recovery, and I know it will help you improve your performance, too. Cruise on over to Dr. Vince's Q-Link page and see for yourself.
I had several things on the calendar: a trip to Vegas for my 19th wedding anniversary. A "birthday" party for Family Chiropractors turning 10 years old. Launch my new web page for the Q-Link Personal Energy System. Begin an expanded workout routine (I'd have some extra time each morning since school was out for the summer and I could leave home a little later). Write two or three e-mails each week. Go toTennessee to see my Dad for Father's Day and do some strategic planning, write some articles, etc. out by the lake.
Last year when I went to Tennessee, I saw the movie "Collateral". It starred Jamie Fox as Max the taxi driver and Tom Cruise as Vincent, the Hit Man. There's a great quote in it, right after Max figures out what Vincent is really up to. Max is more than a little upset with the idea of driving this guy around while he kills people, so Vincent tries to calm him down a little:
"We're into Plan B. Still breathing? Now we gotta make the best of it. Improvise. Adapt to the environment. Darwin. 'Shtuff' happens, I Ching--whatever man, we gotta roll with it."
The accident we had on June 1st definitely put me into my own Plan B. (Ironically, it was on the way home from carpool, a few hours after I'd finished making my grandiose plan for June.)
Some folks say the easiest way to make God laugh is to show him your plan.
I've given myself Vincent's Little Pep Talk more than a few times lately. And even though I haven't been 100% (and have been sleeping when I should have been working), I still got most everything finished that I wanted to.
And I realize that in every mis-hap there is the seed of equal or greater benefit, if you're open to finding it.
I'm not recommending Car Crash as a tool for success. But I am recommending that you have an eraser handy when you make your plans, buckle up on the way home...
...and don't forget to breathe.
Dr. Vince
P.S. One goal that I'm very happy about finishing is my Q-Link page. The Q-Link is a personal energy pendant that gives you focus, clarity and helps you concentrate like a Chess Champ. It's helping with my recovery, and I know it will help you improve your performance, too. Cruise on over to Dr. Vince's Q-Link page and see for yourself.
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