Only 104 Days Left
Yes, there are only 104 days left until Christmas. But it
could just as easily be 104 days left until you lose 15
pounds. Or run a 5K race. Or set up an IRA. Or read that
book you've been staring at for the past 9 months.
Giving yourself a deadline activates your subconscious Mind
and gives it something to work toward.
You'll see this in action with "last-minute" birthday or
Christmas gifts. Even though they may procrastinate 364
days, a person will still make the time to get a
gift--because they have a deadline.
You've got at least 30 days to Halloween, 60 to
Thanksgiving, and 90 to Christmas. Using holidays as
deadlines makes it even easier, because the milestone's
bigger, more visible. Everyone talks about it, the stores
decorate for it, you've got constant visual/auditory
re-Mind-ers. Every day counts down: "Are you going to be
Now's the time to make your own "Christmas" List. Decide
what kind of "treat" you want for Halloween. Or what you'll
be glad you've done by Thanksgiving.
Setting goals sounds easy. It must be harder than it
looks, because only 3% of people actually have any goals,
and fewer than that actually write them down or do anything
about them.
Why? Because there are too many other 'urgent' things
crowding our mind and thoughts. Too many time-wasters.
But since you're an 'Enthusiast', I know you want the Best
for yourself and are willing to do something about it.
That's why I'm going to jumpstart your brain and help you
set some goals. Here are seven major areas of your life
that are ripe with opportunities for growth and success:
Think of each area as a spoke on the "Wheel of Life".
One way to get started is to think of one thing in each
spoke/area that needs attention, and set a 30, 60 or 90-day
goal for it.
Another way is to get seven sheets of paper and write one
spoke/area on the top of each. Then take a different sheet
each day and write down things in that area you want to
improve, goals you want to reach. Write down as many as
possible. Don't edit yourself. Don't stop writing 'til the
page is full.
Then look back over the sheet and pick one or two of the
ones you want the most--and go.
Here's are some brain ticklers for the first one...
Physical condition
exercise, activities, recreation, sports
posture, appearance, image, hygiene
weight, diet, nutrition
sleep and rest patterns
energy level
Preventive maintenance
Chiropractic, dental checkups, other health care
Have fun. More to follow this week...
Dr. Vince
PS For help with "energy level" and "nutrition", be sure to
check out The Core Four are a
great start to better nutrition, and the Q-Link and CoQ10
will give you energy to burn.
could just as easily be 104 days left until you lose 15
pounds. Or run a 5K race. Or set up an IRA. Or read that
book you've been staring at for the past 9 months.
Giving yourself a deadline activates your subconscious Mind
and gives it something to work toward.
You'll see this in action with "last-minute" birthday or
Christmas gifts. Even though they may procrastinate 364
days, a person will still make the time to get a
gift--because they have a deadline.
You've got at least 30 days to Halloween, 60 to
Thanksgiving, and 90 to Christmas. Using holidays as
deadlines makes it even easier, because the milestone's
bigger, more visible. Everyone talks about it, the stores
decorate for it, you've got constant visual/auditory
re-Mind-ers. Every day counts down: "Are you going to be
Now's the time to make your own "Christmas" List. Decide
what kind of "treat" you want for Halloween. Or what you'll
be glad you've done by Thanksgiving.
Setting goals sounds easy. It must be harder than it
looks, because only 3% of people actually have any goals,
and fewer than that actually write them down or do anything
about them.
Why? Because there are too many other 'urgent' things
crowding our mind and thoughts. Too many time-wasters.
But since you're an 'Enthusiast', I know you want the Best
for yourself and are willing to do something about it.
That's why I'm going to jumpstart your brain and help you
set some goals. Here are seven major areas of your life
that are ripe with opportunities for growth and success:
Think of each area as a spoke on the "Wheel of Life".
One way to get started is to think of one thing in each
spoke/area that needs attention, and set a 30, 60 or 90-day
goal for it.
Another way is to get seven sheets of paper and write one
spoke/area on the top of each. Then take a different sheet
each day and write down things in that area you want to
improve, goals you want to reach. Write down as many as
possible. Don't edit yourself. Don't stop writing 'til the
page is full.
Then look back over the sheet and pick one or two of the
ones you want the most--and go.
Here's are some brain ticklers for the first one...
Physical condition
exercise, activities, recreation, sports
posture, appearance, image, hygiene
weight, diet, nutrition
sleep and rest patterns
energy level
Preventive maintenance
Chiropractic, dental checkups, other health care
Have fun. More to follow this week...
Dr. Vince
PS For help with "energy level" and "nutrition", be sure to
check out The Core Four are a
great start to better nutrition, and the Q-Link and CoQ10
will give you energy to burn.
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