Monday, January 01, 2007

The Absolute Worst Way to Start the New Year

Happy New Year!

This chick looks like she has a hangover.

We got one of those "Twisted Whiskers" calendars for my
office this year. You've probably seen them, the pictures
of animals with certain features exaggerated--big wide
eyes, oversized grin, etc.

I was at the office today taking out trash, and dumping
some of the trash we've cleaned out at home (a great
way to start the New Year, by the way). The new calendar
was up, and today's entry almost made me want to throw
up (and no, I don't have a hangover). It shows a bug-eyed
chick popping out of her shell, saying

"It's a brand-new year--try not to mess it up!"

While that may sound like good advice, it's actually the
worst possible way to say it.

Your subconscious mind can't take a joke, and it can't hear
negatives. It only hears subjects, thinks in

So, when you say "try not to mess it up", your subconscious
mind hears "try to mess it up".

And your subconscious mind acts on the orders you give it,
and brings the people, things and circumstances into your
life to help you reach your goals.

So if your goal is "try to mess it up"...guess what happens.

I noticed the same thing this morning watching the Best of
Fight Night re-runs. Tim 'the Maniac' Sylvia was sitting in his corner
waiting for the last round. His manager was yelling in his ear, "You're not tired. You're
not tired."

The announcer said, "Hey that's great, it's like hypnosis". And I
thought, "Yeah, he's hypnotizing him to be tired." Because his
subconscious mind was hearing, from a very trusted source:
"You're tired! You're tired!"

The Maniac won, but he was definitely struggling at the end.

Check yourself: Do you tell your kids, "Don't hurt yourself" or
"Be careful"?

What do you tell yourself?

As you make plans and set goals for the next 30, 60, 90 and 365
days, make sure to phrase them in terms of what you want.

And like Wallace Wattles says, "...don't hesitate to ask largely."

Live this Year like you Mean it...

Dr. V

P.S. If you want to lose weight, feel great, have more energy
and enthusiasm--and look awesome when swimsuit season comes
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Caveman Club. A monthly newsletter and CD, plus six free gifts
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Invest in yourself and your future by learning from your past: