Friday, January 12, 2007

The Leopard or the Mouse?

A leopard can't change his spots.

So, most people think that we have no influence over our
own genes. That we're stuck with what we got.

Even though we can't change the color of our eyes
or the shape of our face (darn), we CAN influence
some of our genetics. Especially when it comes to what
we eat.

And we can pass those benefits on to our children.

And their children.

But we didn't learn this from leopards, we learned it
from mice.

The Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute did a
study showing that a mother's diet during pregnancy not
only affects her child, but also her child's offspring.

They split genetically identical pregnant mice into two groups.
The first group received a standard diet. The second group
got supplements like vitamin B12, folate, choline and zinc.

The female offspring from both groups had babies, but
during their pregnancy both groups had identical diets
with no supplements.

When the researchers compared the two sets of 'grandbaby'
mice, they found that the 'Grandma' mouse with the
supplemented diet actually passed her health benefits through
to both her children and her grandchildren.

Even though all the 'mother' mice had the same,
non-supplemented diet.


So, eating healthy is not just important for your own life,
but for the life of your offspring. That may be another
reason why the Freshman 5 has turned into the Freshman 15,
and is turning into the Middle School Expanding Middle.

Not only is our past coming back to haunt us, but our
current eating habits are keeping us sick, too.

We've got plenty of bad food choices available (have
you noticed how many different types of Reese's Cup
there are now?)

Fast-food, snack food...nearly everything has grain in it
(especially corn), which is one of the least healthy things
you can eat.

The big trouble with grains is that they are loaded
with Omega-6 Fatty Acids, which cause inflammation.

And over time, the inflammation exposes or expresses
any unhealthy genetic predispositions you might have
(like heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer,
etc...that may 'run in my family')

That's why the Core Four are so important. To protect
our genetic legacy (and undo some of our genetic

- The Omega-3s in Fish Oil control inflammation
- CoQ10 is a strong antioxidant
- Magnesium protects DNA while it's reproducing
- Multi-Vitamins protect DNA from breaks and errors

Even if you're not going to procreate anymore, you can
still help your kids and grandkids by setting a good
example, and making sure they get their Core Four
every day.

Heredity is not necessarily Destiny,

Dr. Vince

P.S. At bare minimum, everyone should be supplementing
their diet (such as it is) with a multi-vitamin/mineral and
Omega-3 Fatty Acids. So at least try the Core Four Bronze-
Starter Pack, which includes both of those powerful
nutrients. The multi comes in Adult or Chewable versions--
cherry Tiger. The Middle School Girls will love them. yum.

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