Friday, January 05, 2007

You're Not the Boss of Me

'It's not who I am's what I DO that defines me.'

I think I agree with this quote.

After all, "the road to You-Know-Where is paved with good
intentions", and as someone once said, " their fruits shall
you know them."

But maybe I disagree with it. And I can't tell you how much
it pains me to say that. It's terribly difficult for me to admit.

Because those words weren't just in a fortune cookie, or on
a Twisted Whiskers calendar. They were spoken by one of my
biggest heroes. The Dark Knight. The elder-half of the Dynamic
Duo. Bruce Wayne's Alter-Ego.

The Caped Crusader himself. Batman.

As a chiropractor, I know that true health and true Life comes
from the Inside, so it has to be what's Inside that defines you.

But that still doesn't sit quite right with me. Not just because
I'm contradicting Batman, but because it's too "either-or".

Maybe it's both. The truth probably lies somewhere closer to
the middle:

We're defined by what we do, because our actions are motivated
by who we are underneath.

But what about when they're not? What about when we don't
live up to our own standards? Or our actions don't really
represent the "real me"?

We've all had frustrated efforts, incomplete projects and
unfulfilled goals. Not to mention that when someone says,
'He's got a good heart', or 'He means well', it's usually
preceeded by 'He's a complete A--hole, but...'

If your Outside is not clearly reflecting your Inside, there's
probably a glitch in your Mind-Body connection. It may be
rusty or corroded from under-use. It may be blocked, clogged
or disturbed with physical, mental or chemical stress. You may
be too busy with the Outside that you forgot all about the Inside.

Ultimately, YOU are responsible for defining yourself. So do
whatever you need to do to start clearing up your connection.
(you probably already know what it is, you just aren't doing it)

Get adjusted. Get organized. Set a goal (physical, mental, family,
career, financial, social or spiritual).

You can really clean up the Mind-Body connection by making
your cells more flexible. That helps them respond to the
thousands of signals (neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.) being
sent from the brain each minute.

So stay away from Omega-6/trans-fats (which make your
cells stiff, inflexible) and get plenty of Omega-3 fats
(fish, walnuts, leafy greens).

If you don't want to spend all day eating (and smell like fish),
I suggest you take Concentrated Omega-3 Pharmaceutical
Grade Fish Oil like me. No smell, no taste, no bones. Just
Omega-3 fats to build your best brain, bones, heart...your
best Mind and Body...

...your best YOU.

You're in charge of You. So go NOW and feed the
Super-Hero Within:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Another powerful mind-builder is CoQ10. Or I guess
you could call it a "mind-preserver". It's anti-oxidant effects
help keep the plaque from building up that cause Alzheimer's.
CoQ10 and Fish Oil are another Dynamic Duo, and part of the
Core Four. You can learn more by going here: