Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Can you Escape your Gene?

One of my favorite sayings is "Heredity is not
necessarily destiny"

But, sometimes heredity IS destiny.

I have a cousin (2nd cousin, once removed) who
has hemophilia. He has a genetic defect on his
chromosome that interferes with a clotting
factor...so his blood doesn't clot, and he bleeds
and bruises very easily.

What may be a minor cut to us could be life-
threatening, since he body can't clot well
on its own.

No amount of fish oil or caveman eating is going
to replace that clotting factor...so that truly
is a 'genetic disease'.

But too many people say, "My grandfather died of
a heart attack, my father died of a heart attack,
so I'm going to die of a heart attack."

Not necessarily. This is where 'epigenetics'
comes in.

Like we saw yesterday, there is a genetic test
that can predict Alheimer's disease with 85%

What about the other 15%? Why did the test say
they'd have it, but they don't?

Because the genes are only the blueprints...but
someone's got to build the house. And the
builder in our case is that mysterious something
called our Life Force...and how we interact with
our environment.

The epigenetic material (various proteins and other
compounds that control the way our genes express
themselves) makes up about 85% of our genome.

So our 'destiny' is only about 15% carved in stone.
The other 85% is in your hands.

And what your hands put in your mouth.

Because the body responds to its internal and
external environment. And the internal environment
is primarily made from the chemicals we eat.
That's why you really are what you eat.

This takes our food choices to a whole 'nother
level: we're not eating to prevent disease.
We're feeding our body the tools it needs to
maximize our health by turning on the good genes
and keeping the bad genes in hibernation.

Rewrite your future today, and start feeding
yourself more Omega-3s--the good gene
turner-on ers

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. I think the Alzheimer's test would be even
less accurate if people took the Core Four. That
way, even if they had the genes to lean them toward
Alzheimer's, it would be less likely to manifest.

I picked out the Core Four specifically to
support your epigenome, to support your healthy
gene expression. They're all part of Caveman
Connection #5--protecting your Biology. Learn
more here http://www.drvinceonline.com/core4.htm

PPS If you really want to get in touch with your
genetic heritage, test drive the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club