Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Boys vs Girls: who wins?

What's the difference between boys and girls?

Not much.

Besides the snakes, snails, lace and string,
we're all pretty much the same underneath.

But wait...you may be saying. What about
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,
and boys go to Juptier to get more stupider.

Yeah...that little bitty difference translates
into a HUGE difference mentally, emotionally,
socially and otherwise.

But deep down, we're both human. And our
bodies need the same nutrients and same
movement to keep them running right.

Not exactly the same, of course. We make
concessions for different organs and some
of those special needs, but we're not
really all that different.

For instance, Omega-3s from flax oil have
been shown to aggravate both breast and
prostate cancer. And the Omega-3s from
fish oil (DHA/EPA) have been shown to help
reduce or reverse breast and prostate

So make sure to feed and exercise yourself
as a Human first...then tweak it for your
specific gender if you need or want to.

Lots of you boys and girls are using these
next 90 days to get back into shape. But
remember, you can't do the same thing you've
always done and expect a different result.

So, I'm hooking you up with two of my friends.
One boy. One girl. Both impressive. Both in
great shape.

Tim Kauppinen (Coach K) designed a workout
program based on his years of track/speed
coaching to help you burn fat, build muscles
and get your heart and lungs stronger than
ever. In record time.

Tiny Rivers compiled her vast knowledge and
experience as a personal trainer who helps
ladies get their shape, size and confidence
back. It's a lifetime of learning, with
exercises for the mind as well as the body,
and help with your eating plan, too.

The cool thing is that either of these programs
will work for either gender. Tim's wife and
kids do his program; Tiny's husband only wishes
he could do her program (I can do everything in
it, but some of it's still a challenge)

So take your pick, get to work and get ready
for a new you come September.

Coach K's Uphill Fitness Training

Tiny's SuperPowered Woman

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you want a sneak preview of Coach K's
course, don't miss the June issue of the Wheel
of Life. He gives you 5 reasons (out of 20 or
so) why hill sprints can take your fitness to
a whole new level. We also talk about the dangers
of some popular exercise equipment.

The Caveman Cardio CD is worth the price of the
test drive alone, not to mention the Caveman
Cuisine QuickStart Guide/CD, Wheel of Life
Self-Checkup, Caveman Concentration and the
Hidden Eyes Visualization CD that come free
with your test drive. It literally is a steal.
Find out more here: