How Big Should your Goals Be?
Despite several obstacles (three Fourth
of July picnics, two bee stings, a late night
with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and my 40th
birthday party) I changed my body and my life
during the Memorial Day-Labor Day stretch back
in 2003.
Sure, I was one pound away from my goal (d'oh!)
but I considered it a success. (and Caveman
Cuisine helped me blow right past the goal
thirty days later)
That's a big key. Einstein says that we need
to develop the skill of setting goals that are
just within our reach if we give it our best
effort (paraphrase)
If the Goal's too small, not enough energy,
excitement and enthusiasm.
If it's too big, too much self-doubt and
Having the goal is the most important part;
it'll keep you moving through the bee stings,
the late nights and if you celebrate too much.
(I tell you how to deal with all these ups and
downs in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide)
But it also helps to have a helper. Right after
I got started in '03, my business partner saw
my gut hanging over my bathing suit, looked at
what I was eating (I wasn't really 'on' my
program that day...must've been a rough start)
and said, "So, how's your new program coming?"
And last year, after I'd gotten a little
fluffy, my wife said, "Next week when school
starts, we've got to get back on the path"
And I did. And still am.
So, if you'll pardon my nostalgia, I think
there are some good tips for you here.
Your timetable is here. Now 'til Labor Day.
Or June 1st to September 1st. whatever.
You pick the goal(s); you pick the helper.
You CAN do it.
And you'll have great memories, a better
present, and an amazing future.
Live like You Mean it...
Dr. Vince
P.S. I can be one of your helpers. Normally
you get 30 days email support when you join
the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. But if you join
this month, I'll extend it all the way to
Labor Day. That way you can get the results
you desire--and deserve.
of July picnics, two bee stings, a late night
with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and my 40th
birthday party) I changed my body and my life
during the Memorial Day-Labor Day stretch back
in 2003.
Sure, I was one pound away from my goal (d'oh!)
but I considered it a success. (and Caveman
Cuisine helped me blow right past the goal
thirty days later)
That's a big key. Einstein says that we need
to develop the skill of setting goals that are
just within our reach if we give it our best
effort (paraphrase)
If the Goal's too small, not enough energy,
excitement and enthusiasm.
If it's too big, too much self-doubt and
Having the goal is the most important part;
it'll keep you moving through the bee stings,
the late nights and if you celebrate too much.
(I tell you how to deal with all these ups and
downs in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide)
But it also helps to have a helper. Right after
I got started in '03, my business partner saw
my gut hanging over my bathing suit, looked at
what I was eating (I wasn't really 'on' my
program that day...must've been a rough start)
and said, "So, how's your new program coming?"
And last year, after I'd gotten a little
fluffy, my wife said, "Next week when school
starts, we've got to get back on the path"
And I did. And still am.
So, if you'll pardon my nostalgia, I think
there are some good tips for you here.
Your timetable is here. Now 'til Labor Day.
Or June 1st to September 1st. whatever.
You pick the goal(s); you pick the helper.
You CAN do it.
And you'll have great memories, a better
present, and an amazing future.
Live like You Mean it...
Dr. Vince
P.S. I can be one of your helpers. Normally
you get 30 days email support when you join
the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. But if you join
this month, I'll extend it all the way to
Labor Day. That way you can get the results
you desire--and deserve.
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