Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mom Made Me Do It

At my parents' last week, I was trying to put a shaker
lid from one bottle of salad dressing onto a bottle
of Newman's Own Raspberry Vinaigrette so it was easier
to pour.

Trouble was, they were made of different kinds of
plastic, so it didn't quite fit right. So, like I
learned in the shipyard--If it won't fit, get a bigger

So, I got a dishtowel to give me more friction as I
hunkered down on that lid. But I forgot more friction
between the table and the bottle (I haven't been an
engineer for 15 years, give me a break).

The bottle slipped and spilled half the dressing on
the table.

"I KNEW you were doing to do that!" Mom said.
"How'd you know?"
"Because I did the same thing last week..."

We do lots of things in our life we don't want to do.
Some we're warned about, some we're not. Some we don't
even realize we're doing.

But we usually get what we expect to get.

Mom spilled the dressing; she 'knew' I was going to
spill the dressing. After two confirmations like that,
her mind is now programmed for "spilled dressing".

Sometimes we learn from experience, and remember to
be real careful with the dressing next time
(I know I will) .

But sometimes we let a failure or two wear a groove into
our Mind and program us for further failures. We get a
new habit and don't even realize it.

And those habits and thoughts color the way you see
yourself and your potential.

For every person on the first Caveman Call who told
me "I CAN do this"...there are twice as many people
writing me to say "I DON'T think I can do this"

I'm not going to go all "little Red Engine" on you,
because that's a kid's story and it couldn't possibly
work for you, now, could it. It sounds too easy.

Habits are grooves you wear into your neurology;
for better or for worse. And you have to wear a
new groove to get a new habit.

The cool thing is, you don't have to 'unwear' the
old just overwrite it with the new one.

And sometimes the 'new' one is really the 'old' one.
The one you had when you were little, and wanted to
be an astronaut, a fireman, a painter, an architect,
or whatever. Back when you had no limitations.

I can help you reconnect to that creative power, that
potential energy. The Hidden Eyes Visualization CD
gives you a quick-connect to your breath and your
power (uncover your hidden eyes and return to the root
of the root of yourself--rumi).

And the Wheel of Life PlayBook gives you some blank
space to re-imagine your goals in all areas of your
Life (physical, mental, family, social, career,
financial and spiritual)...and a few hints to jump-start
your Mind and get some new grooves in your neurology.

Both of these tools are included in your test drive of
the Dr. Vince Caveman Club.

If you think you can--or you think you can't--you're right.

Either way, I can help you Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. My friend Jud took one on the chin last night, but
made a respectable showing. He even answered the first
question. I knew he would do well. Knowing what you want
is the first step to getting it. Changing some of your
unproductive/destructive mental tapes/movies is the
next step.