Worst Joke Ever
While I was packing my stuff to go to Tennessee,
I heard a comedian on TV say:
"I have rheumatoid arthritis...but the doctor told
me it was all about my attitude.
He said, "You're not dying from the disease; you're
living with the disease...until it kills you...
THEN you're dying from the disease..."
It would be funny if it weren't so tragic and true.
Folks are dying sooner than they should, from
diseases that are entirely preventable.
And the ones that aren't entirely preventable, they're
at least better managed by lifestyle.
And if we're not dying sooner, we're still not getting
the most out of our lives.
Rheumatoid arthritis has a genetic component, but
it, along with the other arthroses, is primarily
an inflammatory condition.
Inflammation is a genetically ingrained healing
mechanism of our body. But when it runs rampant,
it causes all kinds of problems.
Recent research has uncovered this "missing link" of
inflammation to the diseases of modern civilization:
heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's,
osteoporosis and cancer...
These seem like all different diseases...if you see
diseases as 'things'.
But if you see them as 'processes', which is a more
accurate description, then it's easier to see how
they may all have the same root cause.
And our grain-centered diet is a primary cause of
all the inflammation.
To learn more about reducing inflammation and avoiding
these modern disease processes, check out
Don't live with 'em or die from 'em;
Live like You Mean it...
Dr. Vince
PS Thoreau said: "For every thousand hacking at the
leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."
Stop hacking wildly at your health concerns and
strike them at the root--inflammation. Through
food choices
or supplements
I heard a comedian on TV say:
"I have rheumatoid arthritis...but the doctor told
me it was all about my attitude.
He said, "You're not dying from the disease; you're
living with the disease...until it kills you...
THEN you're dying from the disease..."
It would be funny if it weren't so tragic and true.
Folks are dying sooner than they should, from
diseases that are entirely preventable.
And the ones that aren't entirely preventable, they're
at least better managed by lifestyle.
And if we're not dying sooner, we're still not getting
the most out of our lives.
Rheumatoid arthritis has a genetic component, but
it, along with the other arthroses, is primarily
an inflammatory condition.
Inflammation is a genetically ingrained healing
mechanism of our body. But when it runs rampant,
it causes all kinds of problems.
Recent research has uncovered this "missing link" of
inflammation to the diseases of modern civilization:
heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer's,
osteoporosis and cancer...
These seem like all different diseases...if you see
diseases as 'things'.
But if you see them as 'processes', which is a more
accurate description, then it's easier to see how
they may all have the same root cause.
And our grain-centered diet is a primary cause of
all the inflammation.
To learn more about reducing inflammation and avoiding
these modern disease processes, check out
Don't live with 'em or die from 'em;
Live like You Mean it...
Dr. Vince
PS Thoreau said: "For every thousand hacking at the
leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root."
Stop hacking wildly at your health concerns and
strike them at the root--inflammation. Through
food choices
or supplements
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