Friday, June 22, 2007

Is it Ever too Late

As I was cleaning up this week, getting ready for my annual
Father's Day/Dad Birthday/six-month personal planning trip
to Tennessee, I found this note from one of my readers:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for this great message!
I've printed it out, ENLARGED IT AND POSTED IT on my office
wall to remind myself to move forward - especiallyin adversity."

That's great to know. I've heard several of you say that
you've printed and posted some of my emails...and it's
truly humbling to know you can have that kind of effect
on people.

I know I stirred up quite a few folks with yesterday's
email...mostly wondering is it ever "too late".

Can Caveman Cuisine and the Core Four help someone
over 40 with rheumatoid arthritis who's had it along time?

My answer: you never know 'til you's my reasoning:

- arthritis is an inflammatory condition
- Core Four (especially fish oil) control and modulate inflammation
- Caveman Cuisine avoids grains (which increase inflammation)

So, if you remove the inflammatory and add the anti-inflammatory,
you should be golden. Now, it's never quite that simple...but that's the
main idea. Give the body what it needs, stand back and watch it go.

The cool thing about the Omega-3s in fish oil
is that they tend to turn on the good genes and turn off the bad genes.
So any 'genetic' predisposition to arthritis canbe helped as well.

It's not a "treatment". That's where you get into trouble...trying
to eat something or take something to 'treat' a 'disease'. But it's
feeding your body the "essential" nutrients that it needs...i.e. you
have to eat them, your body doesn't make them on its own...and
letting it express your ideal function/health from the Inside-Out.

The fact that this sounds so new, different, strange, and/or simple...
just goes to show you how disconnected we are from our food, our bodies
and Ourselves.

I may be repeating myself a little from yesterday, but it bears repeating.

Thanks for the feedback...keep Living like YouMean it...

Dr. Vince

PS It was good timing to find that note, because it was from an email
I sent in January. I'm doing my six-month recap this weekend...maybe
you could too. How are the things you've 'enlarged and posted' in your
life working for you? What corrections can you make...what do you need
to start over (or get rid of altogether)?

PPS I've got something exciting for my Cavemen and Cavewomen
(affectionately known as my Cavemaniacs) for the July Wheel of Life CD...
and the Wheel of Life Bonus'll really want to have these for the
rest of your year--and the rest of your life.

That's all I can sayright now, but you should go ahead and sign up now
if you haven't already so you don't miss out