Monday, July 10, 2006

What's your Favorite Cookie?

Ahoy! (that's Slovakian for "Hello")

My brother Adam and his lovely wife Jana came from Cincinnati to spend a few days with us over the 4th of July holiday. While I was making some m&m cookies (red, white and blue), Jana mentioned how eating all those cookies in Denver a few years ago made it hard to get her pants buttoned . "It made me very round."

As it turns out, she had come to the US from Slovakia to work for a summer, as part of her college exchange program. She worked at a cookie store in Estes Park, high the Colorado Rockies. It felt like home, since Slovakia has lots of mountains, too.

Adam was working in Denver at the time, and had gone to Estes Park one Saturday with some friends. Just before they went home, they decided to stop and get a cookie. Adam was a little tired from the day, a little distracted, and just wanted to get back. So he bought his cookie and left.

As they stood outside the store, munching away, one of his friends said, "Dude," (they were snowboarders after all) "why didn't you talk to her?"

"Who?" Adam said.

"That girl that sold you the cookie. I think she likes you."


"Oh, yeah. You should definitely go back in there and talkto her."

Long story short, Adam and Jana were married in Slovakia a few years later, and will celebrate their second anniversary later this month. I learned a few lessons from this story:

1. The opportunity of a lifetime may be standing right in front of you, smiling, but you can miss it if you're not paying attention

2. It's good to have friends around to help you see things in your blind spots

3. Sometimes it's OK to get a cookie

I'm glad Adam's friends were there that day. And I'm proud of him for taking the risk and going back in to talk to a stranger.

Just imagine: Adam almost missed his future wife, who had traveled half-way around the world to meet him. Because he was distracted.

There's probably something right now in your life that needs more attention. Can you see what you're missing?

I sent Adam home with a tool to help him pay better attention. To be a better husband. A better employee. A more creative and successful businessman. It's sort of a secret weapon, but I'll share it with you, too. It can clear out the cobwebs and give you clarity and laser-beam focus.

There may be a great opportunity for your own personal growth flirting with you. Like they used to say in Georgia Championship Wrestling: Don't miss it. Be there!

I don't want you to miss it, so I'll be your friend: "Dude, that Q-Link pendant is awesome. It keeps your mind clear, helps you focus and gives you more energy. You should definitely go back in there and check it out"

Hey, that's what friends are for.

Dr. Vince

P.S. Don't wait. Before you get your cookie, hike on over to and find out why the Q-Link pendant is essential for an enthusiastic life.