Saturday, September 16, 2006

High School Energy and High School Muscles

A few years ago we were taking a family walk around the
block. Actually, Grace was riding her bike. She got pooped
out at the last hill and said, "I can't ride any further."
She'd been asking for some ice cream all day, and
since it was Sunday (our treat day), I said, "OK, if you can
pedal up the hill, you can have some ice cream."

"I've got bike power!" and off she went. Even faster than
she'd ridden around the block. Grinning the whole way.

When we caught up to her, I said, "I didn't do that reward
you for riding your bike. We were going to have some ice
cream anyway. I did it to show you that you can do whatever
you decide you want to do. Even if you're tired, you can
find the energy--if you really want it. Your "can" or your
"can't" is all in your Mind. So, from now on, whenever you
feel discouraged or weak or tired, just remember 'Bike

Getting started with your physical training is a lot like
that. You're looking at a steep hill, thinking, "I'm tired.
I can't."

So I'm here to tell you: "Bike Power".

Actually, riding a bike is a good way to get back in the
swing of exercise. It reminds you of being young, when you
rode your bike everywhere, and even reminds you of the
success of learning to ride one in the first place.

My friend Randy is a big biker. He told me that he really
notices an energy boost from taking CoQ10 before his long
rides ( I guess it's
his own form of "Bike Power". More energy is a big deal,
and that's reason enough to start taking CoQ10.

But the bigger deal is that CoQ10 also rebuild your muscles
with a "younger" profile. It gives you back those high
school muscles and high school energy (or if you're like me,
the muscles and energy I should've had in high school).

Younger muscles are stronger, more shapely and repair
themselves quicker. If you're into fitness or strength at
all--or just want to turn the calendar back a few
years--this is your best reason for taking CoQ10 and the
rest of the Core 4.

But CoQ10 is also a powerful anti-oxidant, minimizes
free-radical damage, has heart-protecting power and
anti-inflammatory effects. That's why I offer it (and take
it) part of the Core 4. You can learn more at

Get your physical program rolling with some,
scooter, skates, rollerblades. Be careful, though, your
balance may not be what it used to.

But it's just like riding a bike.

(For those of you into running, I've got a great tip for you
Monday, stay tuned.)

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Speaking of wheels, I hope you're still working on
your "Wheel of Life" goals list. If you missed it, you can
catch up in the archives

We're taking a little extra time with the "Physical" spoke,
because it's usually the hardest one to get unstuck
(remember the Fat Frogs?)