Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What's your Catch-22?

Catch-22 is a popular phrase, but do you know what it

The real Catch-22 is a novel written by Joseph Heller in
1955 (read by Dr. Vince in 2001).

The Catch was this: to get a psychological discharge from
the Army, you had to fill out a certain form. But the Army
figured that if you were sane enough to fill out the form,
you couldn't really need a psychological discharge.

That was the Catch.

The Catch-22 of the Wheel of Life comes in the "Mental"
spoke. Goal-setting is primarily a mental activity. I
believe it's also a very spiritual activity, but it takes
lots of mental energy. Thinking about your life, what you
want, what you don't want. Thinking, writing, reviewing,
planning, etc. Mental energy.

But if our mental skills aren't as sharp as they should be,
sometimes it's hard to think up, plan and execute goals to
improve our mental skills.

Your very own Catch-22.

How do you get past it? Sidestep it. Set some 'physical'
goals to make your brain stronger. Then your mental work
will be a heck of a lot easier.

For instance, your brain prefers the long-chain Omega-3
fatty acid called DHA, which is abundant in fish oil. All
that thinking uses it up quickly. So one way to help keep
your mind sharp to reach your goals--and to keep it
developing for all the other things it does--is to
give it a regular supply of fish oil.

Also, CoQ10 has been shown to help slow the degeneration
that leads to Alzheimer's. Good for the brain.

And Magnesium relieves mental stress by keeping your Mind
and Body relaxed.

These nutrients are crucial for proper brain function. But
especially for enhanced brain function and higher-
level creative thinking. Like the kind you're doing with
your 30-60-90 goals.

That's why they're all part of the Core Four. They're a great way
to boost your productivity, creativity--your Life--to a new

Once you get your brain in gear, here are some ideas to
explore while setting your "Mental" goals.

Formal education
Continuing education
Important books
CD courses
New Skills

Creative activities
Significant ideas

smell the Flowers
watch the Sunsets
quiet time

I'm off for a little quiet time right now myself (had my
Core 4 at lunch)...

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If all this talk about goals and deadlines (or the
goals and deadlines you already have) is stressing you out,
you really need to get a Q-Link. Better sleep,
mental clarity and a sense of calmness are just a few of the

Find out more here: