Sunday, October 01, 2006

Can you Escape your Destiny?

I never read much in high school, and since then, I would usually
only read non-fiction. Books about nutrition, natural healing or
business, success and self-improvement.

About five years ago, a patient told me that reading fiction
helps stimulate your brain in ways that 'technical' or
non-fiction reading can't. It develops your imagination.

My right-brain can use all the help it can get. It's the
creative side, the healing side, the integrating side. And since
my motto is "Imagination is more important than Knowledge"
(thanks, Einstein), I took up a new type of reading.

Last week, I finished reading the sixth Harry Potter book (talk
about imagination!)

Harry and his friends were learning how to "apparate". To travel
from one place to another instantaneously, using only their
minds. (If we could've done that, we would've saved five hours
on our way to Charleston this weekend.)

Apparating is a metaphor for setting and reaching a goal. Where
am I now? Where do I want to be? Traveling from one place to
another. And your mind plays a big part in getting there.

Their teacher gave them some valuable instructions, that I think
we can apply to our goal-setting as well. He told them to
remember the three D's:

Destination, Determination, and Deliberation.

Destination--It shares the root with "destiny" in
pre-determined. You have to decide (the 4th
where you want to go beforehand.

Determination--Rooted in "bound", as in a boundary (nowhere else)
or bound together (no escape). You're resolute, unwavering.
Committed to getting there no matter what.

Deliberation--Plan and execute the necessary actions to reach
your goal. Carefully thought out, done on purpose, unhurried and

Since Sunday's October 1st, it's a good time to review/renew your
goals, for the final 30-60-90 day time-frame 'til the new year.

(Remember the Wheel of Life? Physical, Mental, Family, Spiritual, Career, Social, Financial)

Hope you can use these ideas as you plan your Life for the next
few months.

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. A big spoke on the wheel of life is "physical", and
the biggest goal is usually "eat better" and/or "lose some poundage".
Especially as we're closing in on the holiday season.

So, I'm teaching a tele-seminar next week called "Roast Duck and Mango
Salsa: How to Express your Ideal Body by Eating like a Caveman."

On Wednesday, October 11th at 8pm, I'll give you strategies for
choosing your food, and help you make sense of all the
conflicting (mis-) information about diet that keeps most people
stuck, and keeps them from making the changes they need to.

Look for more details soon...