Monday, October 09, 2006

Could you Eat a Dead Squirrel?

Yesterday we went to the October 'in-law' birthday lunch
(Ruth has five siblings, Grace has 9 cousins, so there's a
birthday nearly every month). We got a late start, though.
Our driveway was being blocked by a buzzard.

About the size of a German Shepherd. Big Buzzard.

Mr. Buzzard was dining on Mr. Squirrel, whose head was
unceremonially squashed late Friday evening. A pretty
common sight here in Georgia. I hadn't shoveled him off the
road yet, so I was glad that nature was taking its course.
When we got home from the party, there was nothing left but

Mr. Buzzard had done his job. He ate what he was supposed
to eat. The food that makes his body work the way it should,
so he can live a long, healthy buzzard life.

The key to keeping your homo sapien body healthy is to feed
it the kind of food it's genetically programmed, designed
and created to eat. Just like Mr. Buzzard does.

A buzzard wouldn't want to eat your lunch, any more than you
would want to eat his. Or your guinea pig's. Or your cat's
or dog's. Humans are supposed to eat human food.

Choosing the right food for you to live a long, healthy
human life has become difficult. We get bombarded with
mixed messages about what's 'good' for you. There are so
many different foods and kinds of foods, and barely edible
things that aren't actually food at all (like pasteurized
processed cheese food product).

We're pretty sure that a healthy diet isn't found in the
processed, packaged pollution we've been raised on (it's
called 'junk' for a reason). It's getting harder and harder
to find a clear answer among all the competing,
contradictory voices.

But it doesn't have to be.

If you want to get fit and trim again, lose the spare
tire, love handles and other 'blubber bundles', you've got
to do something different.

If you want to be healthy, sleep better, have less stress
and take less medicine, you've got to change your body
chemistry. If you want your body chemistry to change,
you've got to change the chemicals you're putting into your

And it's pretty easy to do, if you get back to your roots,
go back to the beginning, when things were simpler, and eat
the way you were programmed to eat.

The good news is your body wants to do it, it's easy to
learn, easy to do and easy to maintain. (I'll even show you
a way to still eat your favorite junk food and stay healthy

I've boiled it all down for you in my "Caveman Cuisine"
package, which kicks off with a half-price teleseminar
Wednesday at 8pm. No-bull, easy to understand and easy to
implement. I'm even including an mp3 of the call, plus the
quick-start manual and 30-days of e-support for free.

Your new and improved body and mind are waiting to be
released. And I'll make it easier for you. Find out more
and sign-up here:

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. The buzzard will live a long and happy life. I want
the same thing for you and your kids. Join me Wednesday
night for an eye-opening and liberating experience.