Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What's Italian for "Outside-In"?

My dad sent me a great article from today's New York Times,
by Elisabeth Rosenthal. It's called "In Europe It's Fish
Oil After Heart Attacks, but Not in U.S."

First the Brits, ahead of us with using fish oil for
behaviour and learning problems. Now the Italians are taking
the lead with heart health.

The article says that the Italians are prescribing fish oil
to their patients who survive a heart attack, because it's
been shown to improve survival after heart attacks and to
reduce fatal heart rhythms. The largest study on fish oil
showed that the number of deaths was reduced by 20
percent and that the number of sudden deaths by 40 percent.

(side note: what about those who don't survive the heart
attack? it would probably be better to start taking it
ahead of time, rather than wait...but that's just me)

Great news, although it's not really news. Fish oil
restores health because it contains Essential (as in
'essential' to life, as in we must get them from what we
Fatty Acids.

Even though everyone 'knows' they're essential, our thinking
has been skewed by the medical model, which is keeping many
people from enjoying the health they deserve. Here are some
comments from the article that show how prevalent this
"Outside-In" thinking really is:

- "in the United States, heart attack victims are routinely
offered more expensive and invasive treatments, like pills
to lower cholesterol or implantable defibrillators."

(fish oil was recently shown to perform better than
defibrillators, and helps lower cholesterol as well, without
nuking your liver and depleting your CoQ10 like statin
drugs...but there's more profit in those failing threapies,
I guess)

- "Most cardiologists here are not giving omega-3's even
though the data supports it - there's a real disconnect,"
said Dr. Terry Jacobson, a preventive cardiologist at Emory
University in Atlanta. "They have been very slow to
incorporate the therapy."

-"If people paid more attention to guidelines, more people
would be on the drug," Dr. Jacobson said.

-"The fact that fish oil is also sold as a nutritional
supplement has made it harder for some doctors to regard it
as a powerful drug, experts said."

(I think the real disconnect is thinking about proper
nutrition as a "drug" or "therapy"...Omega-3s are food,
they're Essential, remember?)

- Dr. Harrison said he believed that people should
generally increase their intake of omega-3 acids, best done
by eating more fish. Still, he acknowledged that it was
difficult to eat foods containing a gram of omega-3 acids
each day. "If you ask me do I take omega-3 supplements every
day, then, embarrassingly, the answer is yes," said Dr.
Harrison, a professor at Bolton Primary Care Trust of the
University of Manchester in England.

(he recognizes the dangers of eating fish--mercury, toxins,
etc--and takes fish oil himself, just doesn't want any of
his patients to know about it...?)

- "But over-the-counter preparations of fish oil have much
less rigorous quality control and are often blends of the
two fish oils know to be beneficial in heart disease with
other less useful fatty acids. For that reason, Dr.
Jacobson of Emory gives the prescription drug, "off label,"
to cardiac patients, even though the F.D.A. has not approved
it for that use. "Then I know exactly what they're getting,
and there is no mercury," he said.

(one of ours is getting it right! and that's why I only take
and offer pharmaceutical-grade fish oil; pure and
potent...there's no telling what you get with Brand X)

- "It is clearly recommended in international guidelines,"
said Dr. Massimo Santini, the hospital's chief of
cardiology, who added that it would be considered tantamount
to malpractice in Italy to omit the drug."

(If it's tantamount to malpractice to not give fish oil in
Italy, then what is it here?)

Don't wait on the FDA or anyone else to catch you up on the
learning curve. And don't wait for your first heart attack,
either. Get the Essential Fatty Acids you need for great
heart, brain, and bone health...not to mention help with
diabetes, allergies and other inflammatory conditions. Go
right now to http://www.drvinceonline.com/fishoil.htm to
learn more for yourself and get yours today.

And if you or a loved one is on a statin drug for
cholesterol (Zocor, etc.), then it's using up every bit of
their CoQ10, which actually makes the heart weaker (see what
I mean about "Outside-In"?) Find out more at


Dr. Vince

P.S. the Omega-3/Omega-6 relationship is a big part of
re-creating your ideal body. I'll be covering it as part of
my "Caveman Cuisine" tele-seminar next Wednesday. Along
with the best and worst foods to eat, and how to eat well
even at a convenience store! So save the date now--Oct 11
at 8pm. I'll have more details soon...don't miss it, Beeeee