Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Peanut President Gets a Point

'W' may not actually be the worst President we've had lately.

Some people give that honor to Jimmy Carter. Or as we say
around here, Jimmy Cah-tah.

Depending on who you ask, James Earl was either the Best
or the Worst President in recent memory.

Either way he's got a pretty good quote on my last Starbuck's cup:

'Peace is more than just the absence of war. People everywhere
seek an inner peace that comes from the human rights to voice
their views, choose their leaders, feed their families and raise
healthy children.'

Same thing applies to health. Like Chiropractors, and the World
Health Organization, say:

'Health is more than just the absence of disease.'

If you define yourself by what you're 'not', then there's a good
chance you'll miss who you really 'am'.

One of my first patients had skin that looked like an old
baseball glove, he struggled to breathe and his voice
sounded like he was gargling gravel; his head was sticking out
about six inches in front of his body, two discs in his neck were
completely worn out; he had a scar running from his ankle to
his knee from where they'd removed his vein to complete his
heart bypass...and he told me, with a straight face:

'I'm in the best health of my life.'

Somehow I doubt that. But he was defining his health by
the fact that his heart arteries (that used to be his leg
vein) weren't clogged.

I'm sure there was a time in his life when he was healthier;
when he could breathe freely, had smooth skin, could run, jump
and play all day...and do the same thing the next day.

But somewhere along the way, he (like the rest of us) got
disconnected from his body, and forgot to take care of the Inside...

Peace and health come from the Inside. And like Jimmy Carter says,
they have an intimate connection with feeding and raising healthy

Even if you eat 'right' in today's hi-tech society, it's hard to be healthy.
The soil is depleted, so fruit/veggies aren't as nutritious. Cows, pigs,
chicken and fish are force-fed grain, hormones and anti-biotics, so our
meat has more inflammatory chemicals in it.

I used to think that by eating a healthy diet, I could get all the
nutrition I needed. But now I realize that all the nutrition is being
processed right out of our food...even whole, natural and organic.

To really keep your family healthy, you need to supplement
your regular diet with quality nutrients.

But you don't have to take a bucket full every day. I've found
four supplements that are a great starting place. They're
called the Core Four.

Fish Oil (heart/brain-healthy Omega-3s), CoQ10 (anti-oxidant
muscle builder, energizer), Magnesium (de-stress, bone
builder), and AVED Multi-(DNA/vision protector)

Give yourself Inner Peace by Feeding your family and
yourself right.

Get your Core Four here:

Live like you Mean it...from the Inside-Out

Dr. Vince

P.S. The Core Four keeps inflammation in check. Inflammation
is at the root of all the "diseases of Modern Civilization". We may
have the most advanced society on earth, but it's killing us...
heart disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer...
Keep yourself, your family and your country great by staying
