Sunday, January 21, 2007

Worst Secret Santa Ever

Four days before Christmas, we got a lump of coal.

In the form of some fine, upstanding citizen who
unceremoniously (and anonymously) backed into our car
while we were out stimulating the local economy.

Lucky for us, our Body Man is an Artist. At least that's
what the Insurance Agent said. "I've only had one complaint
in the thousands of jobs he's done for us. And that was from
a guy with a raggedy old car who thought the repair work
looked too good."

I stopped by the shop to check up on the progress. The
engineer in me was amazed at how involved, painstaking
and time-consuming this repair process is: the shaping,
reshaping, sanding, layering, looking, looking again.

Somehow, an imperfect human reconstructed the damaged
area perfectly--just like the original.

This experience reminded me that we all have an Artist Inside.
And He/She/It is continually remodeling your body, repairing
damage that comes from physical, chemical, and mental stress,
free-radicals, injuries, etc. Or replacing old, worn-out cells.

Your RNA helps copy your DNA, so that the new cells look
just like the Original. So that your eyes stay hazel, and
everyone can still recognize you.

But you've got the Perfect Artist living inside an imperfect
human. Mistakes happen. You can have breaks, errors,
mis-locations in all the shaping and re-shaping of your DNA.
Too many of these errors can start making cells that never die--
and turn to cancer. Or the bad genes might get turned on
and the good genes turned off.

But there's a Guardian Angel watching over you, called
Magnesium. It regulates and protects the repair process
so you can stay You.

Most adults are low on magnesium. Mainly because your
not eating enough and you're too stressed out. Stress robs
your magnesium and magnesium shortage makes you stressed.

A lump of coal, courtesy of our modern lifestyle.

Magnesium also helps improve breathing and lower blood
pressure. If I'd known about that 25 years ago, I would've
been able to pass my Air Force physical. But then I wouldn't
be here now, doing what I'm I'm glad things are
working out the way they have.

I sure take Magnesium now--and you should too. The kind
I take is called Mega Magnesium, which has three different
kinds so your body can use it better.

Be thankful for your Artist, and feed Him/Her/It right.
Get your 30-day supply of Mega-Magnesium here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you're feeling overly stressed in the New Year, it's
time to check out the Q-Link Personal Energy Pendant.
Wearing my Q-Link every day gives me better focus, better
energy and makes the stress disappear like a fine, upstanding
citizen four days before Christmas. It also comes with free
bonuses to help your concentration and Mind Power.
Go NOW and get yours: