Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Leave the Girl Scouts Alone

Who would want to pick on the Girl Scouts?

Some folks are calling them deceptive junk food peddlers,
and instigating letter writing campaigns against them.

All because of some changes in the Girl Scout cookie recipes.

The heart of the controversy comes in the form of 'trans-fat'.
You know, those artery-clogging, brain-fogging artificial fats
that create the very trouble they were created to prevent.

Yeah, those trans fats. (Modern science takes another one
on the chin...it's not nice to fool Mother Nature)

Anyway, the FDA has a funny way with Math, and says that
foods can claim to have NO trans-fats if they have less
than 500mg.

499 = 0

But don't blame that on the Girl Scouts. They're just the

And their message is pretty good: 'The activity of selling
cookies is directly related to our purpose of helping all girls
realize their full potential and become strong, confident, and
resourceful citizens.'

So why are some folks are upset: if there aren't quite 500mg
of trans-fats per 'serving', but the label says 'Zero', some
unsuspecting citzen might devour a whole sleeve of cookies
at a time and get a bunch of cholesterol raising trans-fat
they didn't even know was there.

That may be true. But I think you'll agree that most people
don't really expect cookies to be healthy in the first place
(and the ones they try to pass off as healthy taste about as
good as the box they come in).

And you and I both know that some of our confident,
resourceful citizens would be better off not eating cookies
anyway. But we can't blame that on the Girl Scouts,

So here are a few ways to help the Girl Scouts without
hurting yourself:

1. Just give them 10 or 20 bucks for the heck of it, and
don't make them split it with the cookie makers.

2. Buy the cookies and give them away. It'll make you very
popular at work.

3. Or just eat the cookies. Not a sleeve at a time. One serving.

But take time to enjoy them. That's what they're for.
To enjoy. Not to nourish your body. To nourish your soul.

Look at the cookie. Smell it. Chew it slowly (you've only
got a couple). Close your eyes. Let nothing distract
you from this moment.

Ironically, this may be the healthiest thing some people
will do all day.

There's a Samoa calling my name...gotta go.

Dr. Vince

P.S. In all seriousness, trans-fats are big trouble.

So are grains, peanuts and refined sugar. That's why
cookies are considered "treats". Too much of these
foods/food products cause inflammation, and are the
prime culprits in the diseases of modern civilization.

That's why supplementing with Omega-3 fats is so important.
First, because most of our 'good' food is deficient in
Omega-3s because of our domestic farming practices
(plants and animals). But most importantly, because
we eat so many Omega-6s (like those found in the grains,
peanuts and trans fats).

Give yourself a little wiggle room (just a little) to make
it through Cookie Season by taking Concentrated Omega-3
Pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil every day.

Get yours here: http://www.drvinceonline.com/fishoil.htm

It'll help you get ready for swimsuit season (only a few months away).