Thursday, March 08, 2007

Why I Never Recommend Jogging

Some people have accused us chiropractors of telling
people to go jogging--just so we can stay in business.

Personally, I've never recommended that anyone go jogging.
But if you like to jog, that's cool. I won't tell you to stop.

I'll just say, 'Be careful...and here's my card.'

Jogging can wreck your back and ruin your knees. I knew
that already, from seeing all the miserable joggers in my
office, but now I know why.

Tuesday night I did a Teleseminar titled Caveman Cardio, with
Coach K, who is a track/field/speed expert. If you were on the
call, you heard some important information about how to train
your body the way it was designed.

If you missed it... well, I'll get to that in a minute.

One of the topics of the call had to do with the difference
between jogging (considered to be 'low impact') and sprinting
(usually thought of as 'high impact') and the effects of both kinds
of training on your body.

What I'm about to tell you may surprise you. But if you've
been reading my updates for awhile, it probably won't.

Because you already know that what most people 'usually'
think is 'usually' bass-ackwards.

To wit: Jogging is by far worse on your body
(especially your joints) than sprinting.

The reason this came up last night was because we were
discussing how humans are built biologically - and how you
can take advantage of that biology in your training. The
same way early humans did...

First of all, think about jogging. Moving slowly forward, planting
your feet flat (or heel first), not much motion in your upper body.
You've probably felt it yourself or seen other people 'feeling it'
as they plod along.

This type of motion does NOT take advantage of your biology.
In fact, it leads to a huge amount of repetitive impact and stress
on your joints. This is why so many people have back and knee
problems when they start jogging to get in shape.

Sprinting, on the other hand, takes full advantage of the built
in 'shock absorbers' and stabilizers in your body. The tendons
and ligaments in your legs, the arches in your feet, the surface
area of your joints, the width of your shoulders, the narrowness
of your hips, your head - even our big bootoxes - all built to
run fast, not jog.

Nobody ever jogged away from a sabertooth tiger--and lived to
tell about it.

The choice is yours. Go against what is natural because that
is what the 'experts' tell you to do.

Or, add sprinting to your workouts and get back to the way
you were meant to move.

I can't go into the details here (or even to touch on everything
from the call) because it won't all fit in this email.

But, what I can do is make you an offer (which is only
open for those who take action by Friday). Here it is:

Purchase Uphill Fitness Training from Coach K by Friday
at 9:27 PM and he'll throw in an audio CD copy of the
Caveman Cardio call ($54 value). And since he's filling
up a package for you anyway, I got him to include a copy
of the Top 5 Reasons to Hill Sprint audio CD ($29 value).

But, only if you can make a decision and act quickly.
And, only if you order UFT through this link:

Sprint like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Friday is tomorrow. If you put this off, you'll forget and
then it will be too late. Don't procraste--and sprint over to
this page NOW. You'll get your Cave-dude or dudette figure
back just in time for swimsuit (loincloth) weather.