Tuesday, March 06, 2007

How My Lady Got Lighter

My wife recently dropped 25 units of unhealthy blubber, and
is ready for swimsuit season (rapidly approaching!)

Want to know how she put it on in the first place? She ate
right and exercised.

Trouble was, she was doing the typical, modern, Western,
Americanized version of 'eating right' and 'exercise'. Lots
of exercise. But she wasn't getting any results. Or at least
not the kind of results she wanted.

So I gave her a few tips on how to start eating and exercising
more like her prehistoric ancestors. (She liked the way I look
in my loin cloth, so she decided to give it a try.)

And guess what?

It worked.

Guess what? It always works.

It's like gravity. Whether you believe in it or not, whether
you agree with it or not, whether you think it'll work or not.
If you drop your keys, they don't go up. They drop.

It's the nature of the Beast. When you eat and move
the way your body is designed to eat and move, you get
lean and fit and firm and flexible.

And look good in a loin cloth.

Want to know the even better news? She doesn't do it 100%.
She's not a hard-core Cave-Chick. And that's OK. She's just
doing the best she can with what she has...the same way her
Stone Age ancestors did.

Want to know the secrets? How to jumpstart your swimsuit

Then join me tonight at 8pm Eastern for the Caveman Cardio
teleseminar. Tim Kauppinen (Coach K) has been a track and
speed coach for over 20 years (and looks superb in a loincloth).

He's cooked up an special treat for you, an hour of power to
get your health and fitness program back on the fast track.

No matter what your age or Cave-gender.

He'll be sharing his best prehistoric training secrets:

- What kinds of exercises the cavemen did

- What traditional cardio REALLY does to your body (you won't
ever look at a 'target heart rate' the same again).

- The kind exercise your body is designed to do and the
best way to take advantage of your biology

- Can you really combine cardio and strength into one workout

I might even pipe in with the a few Caveman foods/nutrients to
protect and strengthen your heart while you're training.

This half-price special teleseminar is only $27, and will
only be held tonight. When you register below, you'll
get the phone number and access code immediately.

And as a bonus, we're recording the call, so you can get a
copy to review later. There may be a few surprises, and
maybe a little Q&A. So click here NOW and we'll talk with
you tonight.


Live Like you Mean it...firm, fit, flexible--and FAST

Dr. Vince

P.S. If you can't make it tonight, you don't have to miss out
completely. Sign up anyway and we'll send you a recording
of the call. Jump in now, before it goes to full price.
