Monday, March 05, 2007

Why I'm Helping a Mom Beat her Son

Will I really help a 50-something Mom beat her 15 year old son?

That's what she hopes, anyway.

'I think J & I could use some help with best ways to exercise.
We have challenged each other to drop 10 flab units...see who can
do it first. If I can squeeze some exercise in, I think I could
beat him!'

She wants to join the Caveman Cardio Teleseminar on Tuesday.
I told her she could, as long as she lets sonny-boy listen in on
the other line.

Otherwise, she'd have an unfair advantage.

Long before the myths of cardio and fat burning were being
spoon fed to us - our ancestors exercised every day - and
you can be sure that there weren't any fat cavemen walking around...

So, my friend Coach K and I will be offering the Caveman Cardio
Teleseminar. In this teleconference, we'll talk about:

- What kinds of exercises the cavemen did - and why you
shoud be doing the same

- The kind of stress that was good for the cavemen - and can
be for you too

- What traditional cardio REALLY does to your body - you won't
ever look at a target heart rate the same again.

- The best foods for your Caveman Diet - and the things
to definitely leave off your plate

- The kind exercise your body is designed to do and the
best way for you to take advantage of your biological advantages

and a whole lot more...

Anyway, the call is going to happen on Tuesday night at 8 pm
eastern (7 central) and I want to invite you to join us. Here's a
link to register:

On the call, we'll also tell you how to get a free recording of the
content and may even have time for some Q&A.

Looking forward to sharing some powerful info with you on Tuesday.

Live Like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS This info is brand new. Coach K has never shared these
details before. If you want to be among the special few who
get these ground-breaking strategies first get yourself registered
TODAY. (I might have a few tricks up my sleeve as well)