Sunday, April 01, 2007

Whose Fool are You

Your Mind is not your own. Parts of it, anyway.

Big parts.

Your Conscious Mind is what makes you Human. It's where
you think, create, reason, relate, etc...

But it's not really running the show. It's only a small part of
your brain. The Subconscious Mind takes up 90%+ of your
grey matter.

Until we're about six years old, our brainwaves vibrate in a
hypnotic trance-like state. Much of our learning is done
automatically, by observation.

That's why it's so easy for Little Sean to learn the complex
skill of walking, and learn English, German and Chinese,
because his Mind can download it all with no resistance.

But Little Sean downloads lots of other programs, too.
Like how people deal with each others, how Moms and Dads
interact, how smart he is, whether he 'deserves' anything
or not, his sense of his 'goodness' or 'badness', etc.

Even programs like what he thinks about 'foreigners', money,
hard work, family, jobs, even God.

Right or wrong, these programs get downloaded, and Little
Sean's brain is designed to interpret them as 'true'. As the
way the world works.

This can cause problems for Big Sean, depending on how
accurate his scripts really are. How well they reflect reality.

Sean's Conscious Mind can process 40 bits of info every second.
His Subconscious Mind can process 40 MILLION bits every

to quote Keanu Reeves (from any movie he's been in):


The subconscious 'scripts' are literally tapes playing in Big
Sean's head, downloaded automatically, before he even knew it
was happening.

And now, when Big Sean wants to do something, his
Conscious intention has to check in with his Subconscious
programming to see how it fits with the world as He knows it.

And if there's a conflict, guess who wins. The 40 million
out-vote the 40 every time.

This is not New Age woo-woo. This is hard-core, cutting edge
science, quantum physics, biology. It's the way we're

Sean is not the only one. Your life is playing out based
on your Subconscious Scripts. If you don't like your life,
you've got to change those tapes.

But you can't do it consciously. 40 to 40 Million, remember?

You are responsible for your Life. You may not be responsible
for your programming (in the sense that you didn't actually
choose the programs).

But you're the only one who can change them.

The easiest way to change the tapes is the same way you got
them--go back into a hypnotic trance and replace those
worn out, ineffective tapes with new ones. New scripts on CD
or mp3 that that will help you accomplish the things you want
to. New programming that will help you BE the way your
Conscious Mind has decided you want to be.

There are lots of ways to do it, and we talked about some of them
with a clinical hypnotherapist on my March Wheel of Life CD.

That ship has already sailed...I don't have any more CDs left. But
the more I've been thinking about this material, the more I realize
how powerful it is.

And how important it is for you to act on--if you want to really
live live the life that you're imagining (but are
wondering why things aren't quite working out like you thought
they would).

So, I'll get more CDs made and send them to anyone who
wants a test drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. The bonus
March CD is worth the entire cost (which is only $29.95).

With your Test Drive, you'll get the April Caveman Cuisine
Newsletter and Wheel of Life CD, and all the free bonuses:
Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and Updated CD;
Caveman Concentration for Health and Wealth; the Wheel of
Life Overview & Self-Assessment; the Hidden Eyes Visualization
CD and 30 days of email support by yours truly.

(Your credit card will be billed automatically each month as
long as you stay in the club; you can cancel at any time.)

I may be a fool for giving all this away, but I don't want
you to keep being fooled by your outdated tapes. The April
packs will go out soon, so get in now while the gettin's good.

Upgrade your mental hard drive TODAY

Dr. Vince

P.S. The bonus March CD is more than just talk. It includes
a 15-minute guided hypnosis session that you can use any
time, anywhere (just not while driving or operating heavy
machinery)...which is actually worth TWICE the price of
the test drive. This is a No-Brainer (that's actually an

Don't Ponder that one yet; wait until after you sign up: