Wednesday, March 28, 2007

This Big Guy Thinks Better

'Keith' has a bright future ahead of himself.

He's 26 years old, plays the gee-tar and sings like nobody's
business. He even had an audition in Nashville with some
Record Execs.

They loved him and told him to come back and they'd give
him a recording contract...

...after he lost 250 pounds.

Keith tips the scale at 600. He wanted to get the record deal,
and checked himself into a nursing home to get back on the
path and get healthy again.

'I'm committed to eating right and exercising...and I can't
help but think if I'd done it a while back, I wouldn't be in
the shape I'm in now...'

Good thinking.

After a while, though, he got discouraged and felt like
giving up. His goal of being a Nashville Star was fading
under the stress of living away from home.

But then he met Michael.

Michael checked in to the same nursing home, and he
and Keith struck up an instant friendship. Keith was just
glad to have someone near his age to talk to (all the
other residents were older women).

One day, Keith knew that something was wrong with
Michael, that "he just wasn't acting right." Michael died
that day from a blood infection, still weighing 750 pounds.

But it taught Keith a valuable lesson. "Michael lost contact
with isn't that he didn't want to live...but he just forgot
what it was like."

So Keith remembered what got him there in the first place,
and re-committed himself to reaching his goal. He said,
"I'm going to go on the road, make music, settle down,
have kids...I'm 100% confident of that."

And I believe him. You can see it in his eyes.

You've got a great future ahead of you, too. Just don't
lose contact with life...don't forget what it's like. Remember
what got you here in the first place.

Dr. Vince

P.S. These guys have/had a big problem with their weight
and their health. You may not be that big, but if it's keeping
you from your best, now's the time to change.

I've got products to help you feed yourself better and feed
your mind better. Do yourself a big favor and check them