Monday, March 26, 2007

How to Stay 39 Forever

(although this isn't the ideal solution)

'I'll do whatever it takes to get better so I can take care
of my family...'

The only trouble is, 'Michael' only made this commitment
AFTER he checked into a nursing home weighing 754 pounds,
with diabetes, asthma and high blood pressure.

Being hauled out of your apartment in a whale sling is a
big wake-up call.

But this turned out to be a classic case of 'too little, too late'.

Michael made some progress in a short time at the nursing
home. He could roll onto his side (with help), started
washing himself, and agreed to eat the fruit and vegetables
that the dieticians gave him (instead of the chips, popcorn
and other snacks he brought with him).

But after just a few weeks, he went into septic shock from
a skin infection. Michael died five months before his 40th

You're probably saying to yourself, 'I'd never let myself
get to be 750 pounds.' But the journey to 750 pounds
starts with a single pound.

Here's what Michael was saying to himself:

"I think about death all the time. No, I'm not ready to die.
But I have no control over that. I the Lord say, 'You're
gone--you're gone.' "

No control. No choice.

Sure, none of us know when our number is up. And we
could have great cholesterol, blood pressure, be fit and
trim and get hit by a bus.

The trouble is that more people are dying of diabetes, cancer
and heart disease than are being hit by buses.

And whether you'll admit to it or not, you do have control of
your life. Especially if you look both ways before crossing.

Biology and physics are showing us that we literally are what
we eat. That genetics has very little to do with how we express
our health. How we feed our mind and body is the main thing
that shapes the experience and expression of our Life.

TV might not be a great way to feed your mind. But I chose to
watch an hour of TV about the 750 pound man, because I
knew that I'd learn something, and I could pass it along to you.

And I knew I'd probably see a little bit of myself in his story, and
learn from his mistakes.

The biggest thing I learned from this story is that I am
responsible for Me. And you are responsible for You.

The most responsible thing you can do for yourself, your
health and your family is to start feeding your brain better...
so you'll think better and feel better. The key is fewer
Omega-6 fats and more Omega-3 fats. That's why
taking fish oil is so important.

Fish Oil is all Omega-3...helps the brain, heart, lungs, joints...
especially the brain. It helps your body burn fat and makes
you more sensitive to insulin--which reduces your risk of heart
disease, diabetes and osteoporosis.

You can get your Concentrated Omega-3 Fish Oil here:

Like Einstein said, you can't solve a problem with the same type
of thinking that created it.

Fish oil reduces your risk of stinkin' thinkin' that makes you
feel like you can't change...that you can't make a difference.

Because you Can. No matter how old you are.

Dr. Vince

P.S. I chose to eat a Reese's peanut butter egg yesterday,
because I knew that it would help me stay healthy.

I know that sounds funny, but it's true. And you can find
out how to do it too, when you join the Dr. Vince Caveman
Club. I'll be revealing the secret in the Easter issue of the
newsletter (and it's also in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart
Guide and CD that you get for free when you join).

So don't miss out, join today:

or take the monthly test drive:

the choice is yours...