Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How Mom can Do Her Thing

We just celebrated our mothers' devotion to us.

But is she getting the care she needs?

A recent report says 'No'...that women struggle
more with health costs than men do. (I found
this interesting article in the Wall Street Journal)

Part of the reason women need more health care
is 'just biology,' since women's reproductive
systems need more attention than men's usually

The study also showed women more likely to use
prescription drugs and twice as likely to have
mental-health problems such as depression
and anxiety.

At the same time, women have a harder time paying
for care, according to the study. Women have lower
incomes than men, higher out-of-pocket medical
costs and less access to employer-provided
health insurance because many don't work full time.

So what can women do to hold down health costs
and get the care they need?

They recommend that women keep an eye out for
local 'health fairs' where they can get tested at
relatively low costs for blood pressure, cholesterol
levels and bone density.

OK, now Dr. V chimes in...

Part of the high cost of women's health care is
all the screening tests, so looking for cheaper
ones is a way to save some money.

But nothing in the article spoke about getting
healthier, just how to find out if you're sick
cheaper...and how to pay for your drugs cheaper.

That's part of our problem with health care in
general...male or female...is that it's not
really 'health' care.

It's 'sick' care.

That's why feeding yourself right is so important.
Blood pressure, cholesterol and bone density are
all mostly a factor of what you eat and the
nutrition you get from it.

That's why the Core Four is so important. These
nutrients work together to normalize blood pressure,
cholesterol and bone density.

Einstein said you can't solve a problem at the
same level of thinking that created it...so
for the ladies in your life, it's time to stop
waiting for something to happen and then try to
treat it...and get ahead of the curve, feed your
body right and let Mother Nature do her thing.

The best place to start is here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. In this month's Caveman Cuisine newsletter,
you'll learn an interesting fact about blood
cholesterol levels and calcium levels...and
what they do or don't have to do with heart
disease and osteoporosis (if you know me at
all, you know it's probably 'don't'...)
There's also a bit about blood pressure, too.
It's not really a Mother's Day issue, but
there's plenty in it for Mom to digest.

Take the test drive here:

or if you get a Core Four pack, I'll send
you this month's newsletter as a gift (just
make sure to remind me in the comments section)

Dr. V