Sunday, June 17, 2007

a Father's Day Twist

Here's an Inside-Out twist on Father's Day:
Give your kids a gift for making you a Father.

It'll help you remember what an honor and responsibility
you have as a Dad (and help them not have to make an
emergency trip to the hardware store).

And here's a gift that you can't can only
give it. And for some of you hard-core dads out there,
it may be the hardest thing you've ever done.

But it will pay you back over and over and over.

The idea comes from Thoreau's 'Walden':

"I would not have anyone adopt MY mode of living
on any account; for, beside that before he has
fairly learned it I my have found out another for
myself, I desire that there may be as many
different persons in the world as possible;
but I would have each one be very careful to find
out and pursue HIS OWN way, and not his father's
or his mother's or his neighbor's instead.

"The youth may build or plant or sail, only let
him not be hindered from doing that which he tells
me he would like to do."

We're all born with a spark of Genius. Trouble is,
it gets drowned out or dumbed out or suffocated
by well-meaning school systems, traditions,
societal expectations--and even parents.

When your kid says, "I want to be an astronaut"
(or a builder or a planter or a sailor), give
her a little room. Don't tell her all the
reasons it won't work right now--let her find out for

Let your kids be themselves.

He may change his mind twenty times; just
let the discovery process run its course.

You may both get a big surprise before it's all over.

And don't forget about your own spark. It's still
there, even if it's been drowned, dumbed or suffocated.

Make a few 30- 60- and 90- plans. What's hindering
you from doing what you would like to do?

Live like YOU Mean it...and they will, too.

Dr. Vince

P.S. Speaking of surprises, a friend of mine from
West Virginia wrote:

"the Core Four are great. I never imagined the
whey protein would taste as good as it does, and
I feel better and better all the time. Thanks."

Sail on over to
and see what all the fuss is about.

You can check out the whey protein here: