Saturday, June 30, 2007

Makes the Beach Better

33 years ago we took our first trip to Myrtle
Beach (aka the Redneck Riviera). My baby brother
had just been born, and we piled in with my cousins
at the "Surf Chalet".

If "riveira" and "chalet" are conjuring up images of a
fancy cottage, let me stop your hallucination right here.

No phone. No TV. No A/C. No beds (for kids).
No microwaves (hadn't even been invented yet).
No washer/dryer. No nothing.

But we had the ocean at our doorstep, and plenty of
skeeball up at the Pier. Those were the days.

Hurricane Hugo did a clean sweep of the area in '88,
so there aren't any more 'primitive' accommodations
like the good ol' Surf Chalet.

They've all been replaced with condos and hotels.

Lovely, modern condos. with Phone. TV. A/C.
Beds for everyone. Cable. High-Speed Internet.
You name it, it's got it.
And then some.

We're heading off to Hilton Head this morning, and
are happy for the "new" beach, with all its high-
tech modern convenience.

It makes the beach that much better. I can still keep
in touch with you. I can watch a little TV. I can eat
healthy meals. I can eat unhealthy meals (it is vacation
after all).

And I can use technology to my advantage by taking my
Core Four every day. Especially the fish oil. All
those Omega-3s cover over a multitude of nutritional
sins (but as King Caveman, I won't be committing too
many of those).

So if you're planning a little Fourth of July blowout
next week, you'd better stock up yourself.

Now it's time for a little R& baby brother and
his wife and new baby are joining us...

So it's just like old times...but now they're new.
And they've never been better.

Have a great weekend...

Dr. Vince

PS we'll have two or three laptops and cellphones
with us (another benefit of the modern beach), so
we'll all be protecting our brains and other special
body parts with our Q-Links (we all have '
should too, especially if you're reading this on a computer...find out why