Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How to Be Superhuman

Old Age and Treachery vs Youth and Skill: which one wins.

What if the "old" guy isn't really that old, and not the slightest bit

What if they both have a young spirit and plenty of skill.

This weekend I was at the 2nd annual Secret of Secrets
Fitness Bootcamp in Tampa, FL.

The Grand Finale was a contest for Combat Conditioning
Athlete of the Year.

Two men made it to the finals. One was 50. The other was 33.

One had been a 'bloated power lifter with a gut out to here' just
a few years earlier.

One looked like a Marine who probably had more than a few
notches on his rifle.

They beat out three other 20-somethings by doing 20 or so
superhuman feats of strength and coordination. THEN they
had to go through 30-minutes of grueling exercises to
determine the champion.

Since it's the Secret of Secrets, I won't reveal the winner.

But I will tell you what the winner said when I caught up with him
afterward to congratulate him:

"Today is a great day."

Now, most people would have said, "Man, I'm tired. I just had
to jump through hoops like a monkey and do more exercise than
most people do in a month...let me sit down."

But he was happy as a clam. The 5000-smacker grand prize
didn't hurt much either.

Two things I can share about this champion, things I noticed
about him and his success:

1. He had a goal. He'd been planning this since last year's event.
Even 30 minutes before the contest, one speaker asked everyone to
write down their number one fitness goal for the year. And he wrote
"Win Combat Conditioning Athlete of the Year"

2. He worked hard. You don't sprout that kind of strength and
endurance overnight. But string enough overnights together and
you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

3. He learned to concentrate. Not only during the year, but during
the contest itself. There were times in the qualification round where
he stumbled. Struggled. Almost couldn't make it. But he kept
his goal in mind and concentrated all his effort--mental, physical and
spiritual--into his performance.

The Power of Concentration is at the root of all success.

"We accomplish more by concentration than by fitness; the man
that is apparently best suited for a place does not always fill it
best. It is the man that concentrates on its every possibility that
makes an art of both his work and his life."

That's why you get a free copy of "Caveman Concentration" when
you join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club (it's open to Cave-women
and Cave-Kids of all ages, too).

The Dr. Vince Caveman Club gives you all the health benefits of
eating in the Stone Age with all the convenience of living in the
Space Age. And learning to concentrate better will help you
reach your goals, whether it's to be 20 pounds lighter, spend
more time with your kids or learn a new language.

You also get many other free gifts for joining, so check it out:

Young or 'old', it's never too late to make an art of your
work and your life.

Dr. Vince

P.S. The Wheel of Life monthly CD explores other areas besides
just eating. Physical, Mental, Family, Career, Social, Financial
and Spiritual. Be a well-rounded, full-grown cave-dweller and
join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club today