Sunday, February 18, 2007

Why Peter Pan's in Hot Water

Some Georgia boys really stepped in it.

I just found out that ConAgra Foods, right here in Georgia,
is recalling Peter Pan and Great Value Peanut Butter. They're
both suspected of causing salmonella, a type of food poisoning
that can kill you if it's not treated.

Now, to be fair, none of ConAgra's quality tests showed any
salmonella. But the CDC (also here in GA) discovered the
link with over 100 cases in 37 states.

Salmonella can cause diarrhea, fever, vomiting and
abdominal cramps...and can be fatal.

So, check your cupboards for peanut butter products
beginning with product code 2111.

And while you're in there, go ahead and throw away
all your other peanut butter and peanuts, too.

You see, there's a surprise waiting for you in your peanuts.
And it's not a nice, Cracker Jack surprise. It's a bad
surprise. The "biting into a sausage ball thinking
it was a cookie" kind of surprise that you never really
get over.

Even if your peanuts were clean and dry, and passed all
the tests. Even if you're not allergic to peanuts. Once you
know this secret, you'll never look at peanuts the same way again.

And probably never put another one in your mouth.

This surprise is not common knowledge. In fact, it's sort
of a 'trade secret'. But it will be revealed to my Cavemaniacs
in this month's Caveman Cuisine Newsletter.

So don't miss out. This info (as it turns out) can literally save
your life. Join the Dr. Vince Caveman Club today.

Dr. Vince

P.S. You can still get the six free gifts and this month's
newsletter when you join. Real change comes from the
Inside and takes time. That's why it's important to be
part of a group for guidance and support. But it's got to
be GOOD guidance.

And it's especially important to cut through all the bull-hockey
about food and create a plan that can re-create your
best You. That's what the Caveman/Cavewoman/Cave
Kid Club is all about. And since it takes time, you need
to get started NOW. (swimsuit season is just around
the corner)