Who Wants a Worm Cookie
Would you rather eat cookies or worms?
Knowing what I know about cookies, I think I'd take my
chances with the worms.
I got to thinking about this while practicing the play "A Year
with Frog and Toad" with our community playhouse. (I'm not
Frog or Toad...just the trombonist).
Frog and Toad are arguing about how many cookies they
should eat, and they try to give them to the birds.
The birds reply (in song):
"Should we be eating these cookies;
or should we rather have worms;
Worms are a product of Nature;
Toad did the baking...think of the germs."
The birds are smarter than the rest of us. They know
to eat things that mesh with their Nature.
But our goal seems to be liberating our food from Nature,
the way we process it all (I think we can get almost 100
different products out of corn).
The only trouble is, when we liberate our food from nature,
we liberate ourselves from nature, too.
And we're paying the price.
The Diseases of Modern Civilzation (heart disease, arthritis,
osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer) are killing us early and often.
And most of them can be prevented and/or reversed by
eating like the Birds. No, not birdseed...but eating the
things we're designed to eat.
In this month's Caveman Cuisine Newsletter, I'll be revealing
the secret ingredient in cookies that really makes them bad.
And not only cookies. You're probably eating it all the time and
didn't even realize how harmful it is.
The government and food industry are selling it to you left and
right...and then the government and the pharmaceutical industry
are selling you drugs to fight the sicknesses caused by the food
you ate.
Is it any wonder we're one of the sickest nations in the world?
You don't have to go along with the crowd on this one. Members
of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club get the straight scoop about respecting
and protecting your own (human) Nature, and being much healthier for it.
To get your copy of this month's newsletter, as well as the Caveman
Cuisine Quick-Start guide and other free gifts, join the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club today:
Live like you Mean it...
Dr. Vince
P.S. yes, I still eat cookies...and not the cardboard "natural"
kind, either. My wife's patented chocolate chip cookies. And you
can too. You'll find out how in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart
Guide that you get free with your membership. Join TODAY
Knowing what I know about cookies, I think I'd take my
chances with the worms.
I got to thinking about this while practicing the play "A Year
with Frog and Toad" with our community playhouse. (I'm not
Frog or Toad...just the trombonist).
Frog and Toad are arguing about how many cookies they
should eat, and they try to give them to the birds.
The birds reply (in song):
"Should we be eating these cookies;
or should we rather have worms;
Worms are a product of Nature;
Toad did the baking...think of the germs."
The birds are smarter than the rest of us. They know
to eat things that mesh with their Nature.
But our goal seems to be liberating our food from Nature,
the way we process it all (I think we can get almost 100
different products out of corn).
The only trouble is, when we liberate our food from nature,
we liberate ourselves from nature, too.
And we're paying the price.
The Diseases of Modern Civilzation (heart disease, arthritis,
osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer) are killing us early and often.
And most of them can be prevented and/or reversed by
eating like the Birds. No, not birdseed...but eating the
things we're designed to eat.
In this month's Caveman Cuisine Newsletter, I'll be revealing
the secret ingredient in cookies that really makes them bad.
And not only cookies. You're probably eating it all the time and
didn't even realize how harmful it is.
The government and food industry are selling it to you left and
right...and then the government and the pharmaceutical industry
are selling you drugs to fight the sicknesses caused by the food
you ate.
Is it any wonder we're one of the sickest nations in the world?
You don't have to go along with the crowd on this one. Members
of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club get the straight scoop about respecting
and protecting your own (human) Nature, and being much healthier for it.
To get your copy of this month's newsletter, as well as the Caveman
Cuisine Quick-Start guide and other free gifts, join the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club today:
Live like you Mean it...
Dr. Vince
P.S. yes, I still eat cookies...and not the cardboard "natural"
kind, either. My wife's patented chocolate chip cookies. And you
can too. You'll find out how in the Caveman Cuisine QuickStart
Guide that you get free with your membership. Join TODAY
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