Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What to Give Up after Lent

On Sunday, lots of people will be breaking their 'Lent' fast.

Most folks usually give up something they like to eat or drink,
like chocolate, bread, coffee, alcohol, etc.

Some people go a little deeper and give up other bad habits.
(The best one I ever heard was 'self-doubt').

You may remember my friend Jim from last year. He's back on
his FACT diet: avoiding Fat, Alcohol, Cheese/Chips/Crackers and
Treats, to celebrate Lent/Easter (and get back in shape).

I'm all for taking some time to reflect. Fasting or eliminating
a food/habit can really test your discipline and help you focus on
what's important.

But I do have a word of caution: try to focus more on what you
want, than on what you don't want.

Instead of concentrating on what you're giving up, pay more
attention to what you're getting in return.

Because what you think about, you bring about. It's the
Universal Law of Attraction.

If you think about 'I'm giving up coffee for Lent...' your Mind
will be focused on the coffee, and your car will be swerving into
Starbucks before you know it.

Job (as in Job, Psalms, Proverbs) had something to say about
the power of this principle:

'For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that
which I was afraid of is come unto me.' Job 3:25

Even with everything he had (richest guy around, land, animals,
money, etc), instead of being thankful for it and enjoying it, he
was always worrying about what would happen if it all got
taken from him.

And that's just what happened.

Remember: What I think about, I bring about.

I was talking with a friend of mine about reducing stress, and
he suggested that I focus instead on 'increasing calmness.'

Good point.

Any time we focus on 'anti-' anything, we tend to get the thing,
or at least get distracted and become ineffective.

For instance, when a certain political party is 'anti-' everything,
no one knows what they're 'for', and their message gets lost
(and the election gets lost)...and then they keep railing 'against'
their opponent, with minimal effect.

Even religious groups with an 'anti-' philosophy seem to
be bitter, ineffective, and not enjoying their version of

So...what do you want? What are you for?

Start thinking that way and watch what happens. Like
Geraldine used to say on the old Flip Wilson show:

'What you see is what you get.'

Dr. Vince

P.S. There's a BIG hint in this email about what makes
Caveman Cuisine so effective--in losing weight and getting
healthier again. You can still get last month's hypnosis CD
when you take the 30-day test drive of the Dr. Vince
Caveman Club.

With your Test Drive, you'll get the April Caveman Cuisine
Newsletter and Wheel of Life CD, and all the free bonuses:
Caveman Cuisine QuickStart Guide and Updated CD;
Caveman Concentration for Health and Wealth; the Wheel of
Life Overview & Self-Assessment; the Hidden Eyes Visualization
CD and 30 days of email support by yours truly.

(Your credit card will be billed automatically each month as
long as you stay in the club; you can cancel at any time.)

It's only available thru this special link:

PPS If you'd like to find out more about my friend Matt's
Instant Calmness system, you can check it out here:
(you gotta be calm when a bull's chasing you....)