Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why I Gag almost Every Day

It's not the pollen...although it's so thick around here you
can literally taste it.

What makes me gag is the phrase:

'Same Stuff, Different Day.'

(following a close second is 'Same old, same old')

It doesn't really make me sick when someone says it;
it makes me sad...because it sounds like they've given up.

Given up their ability to change, grow or improve (consciously
or sub-consciously, whether they know it or not).

Life is all about Ups and Downs. Peaks and valleys. Change.
About the only thing that's the same all the time is a 'flat-line'.

That's the beauty of the seasons. So you can tell the days
apart, and get different 'stuff' each day.

Spring has definitely sprung. I've noticed an energetic
shift with the time change/more daylight and fighting off the
extra pollen.

Besides the longer days and bigger blooms, you have other
more subtle rhythms changing in your body, too. These
rhythms are anything BUT routine...and if you can recognize
them, you'll be more in touch with your body and your health.

That's why focusing on your breathing is so important. It helps
you tune into your inner rhythm; get closer to the center of
growth, change and improvement Inside that's waiting to blossom.

(And that's why it's important to take BIG breaths. Ups and
Downs. Peaks and Valleys.)

There are many other rhythms in your body, and the more you
listen and respect them, the healthier you'll be--physically, mentally
and spiritually.

We'll explore those 'Healthy Rhythms' in the Wheel of Life CD,
that comes with the April Edition of the Caveman Cuisine

And by 'we' I mean 'you', too...it's interactive and a lot of fun.

So take a test drive of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club. You'll
get the April newsletter/CD, as well as the bonus materials:
Caveman Cuisine Quickstart Guide/CD, Wheel of Life Self-
Assessment, Caveman Concentration, Hidden Eyes CD,
30-days of email support.

Any one of those bonuses are worth twice the price of the
test drive (which is only $29.95, by the way). And yes, I
still have a few extra copies of the Self-Hypnosis CD, so if
you sign up today, I'll include that with your Welcome Pack
as well.

You can check it out here:

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Since first quarter just got finished, you've got a great
90-day marker between now and July 4th. It's the perfect
time to start new habits, new routines, develop new rhythms
in your life. And 90-days is long enough to see amazing
results--especially if you're wanting to lose weight and look
great in your bathing suit with Caveman Cuisine.

And yes, I still have a few extra copies of the Self-Hypnosis
CD, so if you sign up today, I'll include that with your Welcome
Pack as well.
