Sunday, May 27, 2007

Fat Actress's Big Problem

Kirstie Alley's got a new body and a new show,
but the Fat Actress has still got a big problem.

She's lost a lot of weight as a Jenny Craig
spokesperson ("Fettuccini!!") I felt a little
embarrassed for her when she paid her bet by
wearing a bikini on Oprah's show.

To put it nicely, she wasn't quite ready for the
bikini yet. But, hey: I've seen worse at the
beach plenty of times.

I give her credit for a couple of things. One is
sticking to her program, and the other is embracing
the process.

She didn't wait until she'd lost all her weight before
she strutted her stuff. Just 'til she'd made a certain
amount of progress.

And that's a big tip about your own struggle to
lose weight and re-create your Ideal body. Don't
fret over what's left to do; congratulate yourself
on what you've done already.

And use that success to spur your continued success.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

P.S. Oh, yeah. Her big problem.

She's doing fine while on her pre-packaged meal
plan, but that approach is hard to do for very
long. What if she wants to go out. Or go
on vacation. Or gets tired of their food. Or
wants to eat real food.

Portion-control is one way to lose weight, but it's
not terribly effective in the long run, because in
the back of your mind you're always thinking:
"When can I eat normal again?"

Kirstie's big problem is she can never go off her
diet. And some of the stuff she's eating is not
fit for human consumption, even though they've
counted her calories.

So that's really two big problems. The weight
may come off, but she won't be as healthy as
she can be.

My big solution is Caveman Cuisine, which
is not a diet, so you don't go on or off.
It helps you get healthy again from the
Inside-Out. And you don't have to count anything
(except how many pounds you've lost)

I'm not just playing a game with words here.
I'm not using the tired old saying 'It's not
a diet, it's a lifestyle.'

It is, sort of, but that's not the main thrust. Heck,
I don't care what lifestyle you have, you can apply
the principles of Caveman Cuisine to lose weight
and feel great. And no one can tell you've changed
anything by what you're eating...just by how you look.

Then you'll feel better about wearing a bikini.
You still may not want to, but you could if you
had to.

Don't call Vinny