Sunday, May 27, 2007

Getting the Most out of Memorial Day

Four years ago this weekend I was finally fed
up. With how I looked and how I felt.

I wasn't in great shape (I was actually in poor
shape), and 40 was coming up in a month...and
I knew something had to change or it would go
nowhere but downhill from there.

So, I embarked on an eating program (which
was the first stab at Caveman Cuisine)
and an exercise program to get healthy

I set goals for Memorial Day to Labor Day.
For a couple of reasons:
1. they're about 90 days apart, which is time
enough to make some progress
2. THey both start and end with a three-day
weekend. So you can use the Mondays to celebrate
3. Having a 'finish' date gives you something
to shoot for and a way to measure your progress

But I didn't just set physical goals. I set
goals in all areas of my personal, professional
and spiritual life.

I was ambitious...three pages worth. Books to
read, trips to take, things to do, a person to
become. And I got 90% of them.

So take some time this weekend, and look at your
life, pick a few areas that you want to improve
and grow, set some goals and get going.

I still use this method, which I turned into the
Wheel of Life Self-Assessment. It comes FREE
as part of the Dr. Vince Caveman Club
welcome package.

The Wheel of Life details the seven areas and
helps you find your weak spots, brainstorm ideas
for growth, and reach your goals.

Since the mail won't run again until Tuesday,
if you join this weekend you'll get your
welcome pack by June 1st.

But if you're ready to get started now, just
say "I'm ready to get started NOW" in the
special directions block, and I'll email you
a copy of the Wheel of Life and the Caveman
Cuisine QuickStart Guide so you can have those
right away...and you'll get your hard copies
with the rest of your materials.

Like Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix:
"I can only show you the door; you're the One
who's got to walk through it"

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS If you're wondering about the exercise program,
I'm talking about it in this month's newsletter
and CD...called Caveman Cardio with special
friend and guest Coach K. So take a gander at
my Before and After, get inspired about your own
possiblities, take the test-drive and learn how
to cut your workout time in half and double your

PPS Have a relaxing weekend!