Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mom's Got a Secret

My Mom's had some great ideas in her life.

Of course, marrying my Dad (welcome yours
truly), taking me to the chiropractor, stuff
like that.

But she's also come across a few ideas that
you can get some direct benefit from.

The first one got her a hug from Najeeb the
Produce Man several years ago (it also kept
me from being scarred for life).

She was walking down the aisle getting groceries
and noticed that Najeeb had band-aids on every

"Working with this wet produce all day keeps
my fingers chapped...they crack and
I can't be bleeding all in the celery..."

So, she gave him an idea:
"Get some Vitamin E capsules, poke a hole in
the end of one and squirt the oil onto your
fingers three times a day and see what happens"

A week later, Najeeb saw her in the store and said
"I've got to hug this lady's neck..." After just
a few days, his fingers were as good as new, and
he hadn't had any trouble since.

That summer I burned a 2-inch stripe on my right leg
from ankle to knee on my mini-bike motor. You can
imagine how nasty it looked.

After running cold water over it for several minutes,
I put Vitamin E oil on it every day until it was
gone. Now you can't even tell I was burned.

So, if you have any skin issues, try a little
Vitamin E...and I'll pass along any hugs.

Live like you Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS Mom discovered a cure for canker sores, too.
(mouth ulcers/aphthous ulcers) She knew there
ought to be something in the pantry that would fix
them, and she was determined to find it.

She got it on her second try (take that, Edison)

Mom says I can tell you the secret in this
month's Caveman Cuisine newsletter (yes, she's
in the club) don't miss out

But I'll give you another secret, too: even
though "no one knows" what causes canker sores,
since I've been eating like a Caveman, I haven't
had any to begin with.

Either way, find out for yourself and take
the test drive today: