Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Al Gore needs a History Lesson

Al Gore may have been a few steps ahead when he
invented the Internet, but he's a few steps behind
on Global Warming.

Some scientists think that the heating and cooling has
been cycling for thousands of years.

Some think it's all due to fossil fuels.

The politics of the whole issue have muddied the water
so much I don't know if we'll ever know what's what.

But my Dad sent me this gem from Stephen Lautens that
may shed some light (if not historical, at least
hysterical) on the whole thing:

"I wonder if our caveman ancestors knew what they were
doing when they started all this. Scientists tell us
the last ice age ended about 11,500 years ago when things
suddenly got a lot warmer.

"What brought on this global warming? It certainly
wasn't an idling SUV or a lavish wedding. Maybe it was
something our ancestors did.

"It's getting hot out," Og said to Grog. It was true.
There was hardly any ice left outside their cave.

Grog just grunted and kept banging two rocks together.

"I've been thinking," Og went on. "Maybe we're causing
temperatures to rise."

"You mean we've offended the gods?" Grog asked.

"No, I mean our lifestyle. There has to be a couple thousand
humans in the world by now. Did you ever think we could be
killing the environment?"

It hadn't occurred to Grog. He spent his days trying to keep
the environment from killing him.

"I mean," Og continued, "we mostly eat meat. Do you know
how many acres it takes to feed one giant sloth? Even
though it's free range, that's not very responsible."

Grog hoped Og would shut up. He was working on something.

"And then there's the way you commute. Do you think your
mastodon is very fuel efficient? I've walked behind it --
you wouldn't believe how much greenhouse gas it gives off."

Grog hit the rocks together again and this time a spark
lit some sticks.

"It's my new invention," he said. "I call it 'fire.' "

Og shook his head. "Trust me, no good will come from this."
- - - - - - - -

I agree with Og at least partly: fire has brought us a
mixed blessing (or a double-edged sword)

Fire ultimately led to all our modern conveniences: autos,
A/C, even the computer you're reading this with.

Fire also caused many of our modern problems, the
'diseases of modern civilization'. It helped us eat
certain foods that up until that point were inedible.

Foods we weren't designed to eat.

Foods we're still not designed to eat.

And I'll agree with "Real Og" (anagram for Al Gore)
about this: Our speeding growth in technology is
speeding us along a destructive path...whether it's
carbon dioxide from all our fossil fuels, or the
epidemics of diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer's.

We probably can't get over our petroleum addiction any
time soon, nor can we go back to living in caves and
hunting and gathering (nor would we want to; at least
I wouldn't).

But You CAN take responsibility for what YOU do. What kind
of fuel you burn in your tank.

I'll help you put better fuel in your tank, to reclaim
the health you were created to have, and pass it along
to your children and your children's children.

Learn the secrets of the Modern-Day Caveperson here:

Think Globally, Act Locally,

Dr. Vince

PS I feel a little funny throwing away our cans and
bottles this week, but I'm not going to haul them back
to Georgia Saturday (like Dirty Harry said, 'A man's got
to know his limitations.')

Too often, though, we argue for our limitations, and focus
on why we CAN'T do something...rather than focusing on our
tremendous capacity for change. That's the beauty of my
Caveman Cuisine approach. It protects your Biology and
respects your Humanity...and gives you the Mental and
Physical tools to reach your goal.

You CAN do it. Take the test drive here