Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Daughter's Favorite Saying

We were out in the ocean yesterday, and Grace said,
"You want to hear my favorite saying?" just out of
the blue (she's kind of random that way)

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

Pretty good one, especially since I just had a

The funny thing I noticed at the beach was that
most people look very old. Even if they're not
chronologically, they acted that way.

What's 'acting' old? Stiff joints/muscles and
a big belly.

Most people tell me that once they hit some magical
age their stomach started to spread. Or now that
they're getting older, it's harder to get around
like they used to--and these are guys/gals in their
late 30's and early 40s.

Yes, we get older every day...but growing up or
getting "old" are both optional.

"Old" is a function of metabolic waste products
(oxidation) and lack of movement (which leads
to lack of flexibility).

So, if you can keep your antioxidant protection, and
keep moving, you'll chase away old age like an old
fogey on his porch chasing off the whippersnappers.

Good news is that fish oil keeps those joints moving
and helps burn that belly fat.

That's why it's gold-colored...because it's like
pure gold as far as keeping you young and healthy
is concerned.

And when you add the antioxidant kick of CoQ10,
and a multi, and the anti-stress power of
magnesium, you've got a 1-2-3-4 punch that's
hard to beat.

Find out more here:

Live a long time like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS No I didn't forget that today is 07.07.07
Triple lucky because it's my birth month, my
20th anniversary, and 7 positions on the

Anyway, since I'm just getting back, I'll leave
the Caveman Club Test Drive special up until
the morning.

When you wake up, it'll be gone. The Club and
all its bene's will still be there, and at
29.95 it's a steal...but your luck that I have to
quit writing now, so you can get it for 19.95
(first month only) if you hurry.