Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Quadruples your Resistance to Stress

We live in a technological age. And that's not going
to change. Yes, technology has improved our lives in
many ways. But the fact of the matter remains that
serious health consequences are taking a toll on us-
that are directly related to using this very same

This new kind of stress, that comes with our new
high-tech lifestyle, is called Electro-Magnetic
Frequencies (EMF) stress.

"Electromagnetic pollution may be the most
significant form of pollution human activity has
produced in this century, all the more dangerous
because it's invisible and insensible."

Andrew Weil, MD

According to CNN (11/06/2002),people who spend a
few hours a day in front of the computer are...

"...increasingly likely to suffer physical,
mental and sleep related problems, too. The most
common physical complaints are headaches, eyestrain,
joint pain and stiff shoulders. Researchers say that
computer time can also take its toll on you mentally,
which causes lethargy, anxiety and a general
reluctance to go to work..."

Sound familiar?

But you don't have to live this way. You can use
technology to your advantage, to improve your health
quickly and easily.

The secret lies in a micro-chip. But this chip doesn't
go in your computer. It doesn't go IN your body.
It goes ON your body--around your neck or in your
front pocket. And this micro-chip resonates with your
unique energy field and amplifies it, giving you
Inside-Out protection against the negative effects of
stress in the home or workplace.

I learned how stress makes you sick while I was
in Chiropractic College. Not from a book, but from
the hacking, sneezing and coughing during finals week.
Row after row of over-tired, over-studied and over-
stressed chiropractors-to-be. That real-world experience
(every quarter for 14 quarters) proved over and over
that stress can make you sick-even if you're trying
to be healthy.

That was ten years ago-even before laptops, iPods,
blackberries, and other tech-tools became part of
our everyday life. And now the number of technological
marvels we're being given to use each year is
certainly not decreasing-it's increasing-and we have
to have them all!

Our high-tech lifestyle bombards us with information-
and EMF-stress. The pressure is building. We cant' relax.
We're getting more impatient, more irritated, more
uptight. Less time. More stress. No wonder we're one
of the sickest nations in the world (38th last time
I checked).

We're burning the candle on both ends-and need more wax.
Do you want your health back?

Good. You have a choice:

You can get rid of all your electro-magnetic pollution:
computer, cell phone, microwave, TV, PDA, laptop, iPod,
hair dryer, alarm clocks...and go live in a cave.


for the rest of the story, click here: