Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Why First-Born is Best

Someone sent this for my birthday:

A new study shows that the eldest children in families
tend to develop slightly higher I.Q.s than their younger

The study, which appeared in the journal "Science",
found that eldest children scored about three points
higher on I.Q. tests than their closest sibling, and
4 points higher than the third-born.

So to my brothers, Lance and Adam, I say:
"In your Face!"

Just kidding...

Three points on an I.Q. test, experts said, amount to
a slight edge that could be meaningful for someone
teetering between an A and a B, for instance, or even
possibly between admission to an elite liberal-arts
college and the state university, some experts said.

I say those experts haven't been in the real world lately.

Besides the fact that 'Rich Dad' says there can be
at least nine different kinds of intelligence, 3 or 4
points isn't even remarkable on a 100-point scale.

That's kind of like saying a certain circular-shaped
oat cereal that keeps little kids occupied helps
reduce cholesterol...because it lowered it 6 points.

6 points of cholesterol is neither make nor break.

I'm more concerned with how much of my potential I'm
expressing...not how well I score on an IQ test.

Same goes for you.

You may think you're not 'smart', not a 'math person',
not 'musical'...or whatever (we're pretty good at
highlighting our shortcomings)

But the truth is, your mind is plastic--which means
it can grow and change and make new connections.
New Tricks are certainly within reach of us Old Dogs.

No matter which type of intelligence you're expressing,
there's one thing they all share in common. And I'll
let my friend Calvin tell you (not Presbyterian Calvin;
the one with the stuffed tiger):

"Everything I am, my unique spirit and personality,
everything that makes me Me...is dependent on the
proper function of this Complex, fragile and
miraculous chunk of meat that is my Body..."

And the proper function of that meat depends on
the quality of its connection to the three pounds
of Jell-O situated between your ears.

And it all depends on how well you feed it. Especially
the Jell-O, because it's hungry for DHA...one of the
essential fatty acids found in Fish Oil

My baby brother Adam's little girl gets hers from her
Mommy's milk and from her baby fat. Both of these
are designed to feed little bodies right, to support
that big brain growing (for all you intelligent first-
borns out there, what we call 'encephalization')

But once we grow a little, no more Mommy's milk, and
no more baby fat. That's why they call DHA 'essential',
because you have to eat it to get it.

No matter where you were born (my wife was 5th of 6, and
she must be pretty smart...), the smartest thing you
can do for yourself is take a slug (4 caps to be more
specific) of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil every day.

It'll keep your body a lot less fragile, and your life
a lot more miraculous.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS as I write this, just less than 24 hours left on
my Birthday Caveman Club Test Drive special.
You can get the first month for only 19.95...
It's another smart thing you can do for yourself...
and thanks to the folks who've responded already,
we're getting plenty more cave-women...awesome.

They say girls go to college to get more knowledge and
boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider. Well, girls,
here's your chance to prove them right