Tuesday, July 17, 2007

59-year old has Kindergarten Energy

While I like to give good energy to all my patients,
some of mine send a lot back my way, too.

"B" is one of those.

I guess she gets it from hanging out with
five-year olds--She's a kindergarten teacher.

Even though her body will soon be 59 years old,
her mind and spirit are still much younger. And
her body's in pretty good shape, too. Even though
she treats it rough, she bounces back pretty

She was excited about the school year starting.
Besides getting her physical school space ready,
she's getting her physical Self ready, too.

"I'm going to start taking CoQ10 and Magnesium
next month. I'm already taking fish oil and a
multi. That way I'll have the whole Core 4 together,
and I'll be needing that energy this year."

And how. She still sits on the floor with them and
runs around outside...so if she's not slowing down
any, she's got to find a way to keep up.

So she uses chiropractic and the Bronze Core 4 (which
is actually the Core 2)..soon to be the Core 4 Gold
Pack http://www.drvinceonline.com/core4.htm

That's why she and I, along with all the other
people wanting more life in their years, like the
Core 4. Because it's flexible--you can get any one
of them ala carte, or in any combo you choose.

I've put a few together, but you can mix and match
to suit your own health goals. You can read about
each one separately here:

If you're not sure where to start, let me know and I'll
quiz you a little to see what might be best for you.

Whether you're in school, chasing school kids or darn glad
to be out of school, you'll do it better if you feed
yourself better. So use the "last half of the year" or
the "beginning of school" as a good starting point to
start a great habit.

Live like You Mean it...

Dr. Vince

PS If I had to pick the 'desert island' supplement,
the one I'd take if I could only take one...it would
be fish oil. But not just any old fish oil. Not some
stinky, brand X, you-get-what-you-pay-for, discount
warehouse fish oil. Only pharmaceutical-grade, thanks.

These Omega-3s are essential for life, for everything
from heart to brain to skin, and help prevent the
'diseases of modern civilization'. And the long-chain
Omega-3s from fatty fish are far superior to those from
vegetable matter. So dig in.